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How to translate social text?

There is a social description text says

What's This?

Connect your profile to social networks to be notified of activity here and share your activity with your friends and followers.

How do i translate that? I found tow files from

  1. /applications/dashboard/views/profile/connections.php and
  2. /applications/dashboard/views/social/manage.php

But instead of translating those core files, how can i replace those on my local file?




  • See here for a basic explanation of the principle: https://wwww.vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/172545/#Comment_172545

  • Thank for the replay. I posted this question after i tried this way:

    $Definition['Whats This?'] = 'my local text';
    $Definition['Connect your profile to social networks to be notified of activity here and share your activity with your friends and followers.'] = 'my local text';

    but didn't work :(

  • where are these files? they are not in any stable version

    grep is your friend.

  • edited January 2013

    Do not use a period in the stuff in the end inside the ['no period goes here']
    ['What's This'] not with ? , as far as I understand punctuation and exclamations do not need to be redefined or translated. Try it without them.

    you must put the definitions in the locale file that is inside the conf/locale.php

    also could try $Definition['connections']['Whats This']='my local text';

    I am assuming what the name of that section is called so I used 'connections' but it could be called header or Facebook header or something else. it has to be the right name and the right words in order for this to work on the specific item.

  • There is no point speculating unless you can see the contents of those files, you won't know what label to use.

    those files are not in 2.0, so I'm guessing the latest version of 2.1

    grep is your friend.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited January 2013

    $Definition["What's This?"] = "If I were smart I would look in the files and match punctuation exactly except I would stop at the comma like the statement below";

    $Definition["Connect your profile to social networks."] = "I don't know why I don't mention versions of vanilla";

    also when all else fails read the documentation for the concept of what is in the left and what is in the right side of equation:


    easiest way to add definitions is via conf/locale.php

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • jone68jone68 New
    edited January 2013

    @x00 it's on version 2.1a33

    For example under conections.php

          <div class="Hero">
       <h3><?php echo T("What's This?"); ?></h3>
          echo Gdn_Format::Markdown(T('Connect your profile to social networks.', "Connect your profile to social networks to be notified of activity here and share your activity with your friends and followers."));

    @vrijvlinder Thank you for the explanation. i did this way,

    $Definition['Whats This']='my local text'; and $Definition['connections']['Whats This']='my local text'; even $Definition['social']['Whats This']='my local text'; but doesn't work

    $Definition['Connect your profile to social networks to be notified of activity here and share your activity with your friends and followers'] = 'my local text'; same here

  • know what label to use

    this is the key for sure

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited January 2013

    never mind. I already answered the question.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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