Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
How do I resolve this Bonk Error?
I'm getting a bonk, similarly to the google sign-in. My facebook login seems okay tho, any workarounds?
Until you get past the BONK to a detailed error report, it is unlikely you will get to what is causing the problem.
Search this forum for BONK to see how to get a detailed error report.
I have a problem with after doing the signin with steam and redirects me back to the site with fill in username and email. After filling out both it responds with requires email. After checking the logs I see nothing about an email address in the post request. So is there something I am missing or have bugged?
Also to further the conversation to dotmiko, do you use memcached or any other caching system? If so try and have all post request bypass the cache. (Nginx here and that was half the problem.)
I'm getting the same issue Mun has. I'm currently not using any caching unless Apache has some sort of caching built in by default.
As a note, I'm using Vanilla 2.1.
This plugin does let me sign-in using Steam and it redirects me back to Vanilla and asks for my Username/Email. After that it dumps me to an error page with no actual message and refuses to log me in. Checking the users list under the admin dashboard, however, shows that the user has been created with the username and email.
Any ideas?
Found out that you could turn on REAL error reporting and found that it wouldn't let people fully register with this plugin because I hadn't setup Vanilla with an email account to use for confirmations and welcomes I guess...