Vanilla enterprise features in Vanilla open source?

Hello community. This is my first time here. I was taking a look at VanillaForums.COM and found some really attractive features in enterprise edition which I hope to have in opensource version as well.

Vanilla POP:
Register, post new discussions and comments, and read discussions via Email.
(I wish to use forums as support desk so this would really help if people can send email and its created as a seperate thread)

Some other features I like are..
Pre Moderation
Profile Extender
All Viewed

Any experts in here know how to achieve this in opensource version as well?


  • Thanks.

    Is there someone in the community whom I can hire to build this features? I don't mind paying $$$.

    Or, in other words, can someone please point me to right direction? Where do I find the best expert to custom build vanilla for our requirement?

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