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Great thanks! and feature requests

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello! I am new to Vanilla (just installed it on my server) and, boy, it is really great and suit my need! I really like it being so simple and neat, as well as the concept of "discussion-based", whisper, etc. Thanks everyone esp. Mark for creating such a great product and giving it out free!

Now I'd like to see if the following features have already been implemented or not (I've done a search and found no result, but, who knows, I'd ask you guys first anyhow); if not, I would like to implement them myself (either as an extension or modify the "kernel" directly, not sure) and would be great to know where I probably should start with:

1. Showing page pointers next to discussion title: Like this: Some Discussion Topic (p. 1,2,3) shown in the discussion list. Hence user can click on the links to go directly to page 2 of the discussion thread. Would be useful for long discussions.

2. Rating system: User would be able to rate a discussion thread with, e.g. 3 stars or 4 stars, to indicate the usefulness of the thread. A simpler one would be some "thumb up/thumb down" mechanism.

I hope I didn't sound too greedy... finally apologize for my bad English as it's not my mother tongue...


  • the page numbers thing has been annoying me for a while. there should really be page numbers, so users can jump to certain pages in the discussion from the front page.
  • Those both sound like excellent extension ideas.
  • i would love both of those, but especially either type of rating system you've described.
  • Yeah, page numbers could be useful i guess (must admit i never noticed that they wernt there though) - but you have the option of going to the start or the end/last bit you read. I'm not sure as there's that many times where i'd like to pick a point in the thread other than that but i suppose it wouldnt hurt to offer. Rating system will certainly never make it into the core but yeah...addon. :) And while i could tell english wasnt your first language it looks pretty spot on to me. Certainly better than i could speak whatever your native language is! :)
  • oh, shut up, mine sweeper ...
  • i would love to see ratings as an addon. LOVE!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Why should minisweeper shut up, toivo?
    Is there an inside joke I'm missing here?
  • If it's a joke, I don't get it!
  • Oh, well...

    For (1), I think I've solved it, but not sure if it is the right way to do. Basically I've edited the theme file discussion.php and added the code for pagination. However, I don't know how to wrap it up as an extension.
  • I think to make it an extension you'd need to rewrite the discussion grid rendering class. Unless there's already a delegate in the correct place or mark wants to add one. Then again editing the theme file is probably the easiest way of doing it. Just a shame it's harder to share that way. Fancy making theme extensions, mark? :P
  • okey. sorry. (mine= my). sry. but there's always this guy who underlines all your grammatical mistakes and annoys people . & its's annoying because you know he is right.
  • Underlines? I was complimenting him. The quality of english language from non-native speakers on here rarely ceases to amaze me. It's almost always possible to tell theyre not native because there are minor things which you learn through talking the language day in day out but that doesnt mean their english is poor by any means whatsoever. I get the impression i could hold up a conversation vocally with gann and find it much more difficult to tell he wasnt native (aside from the accent, ofcourse) but you can bet your bottom dollar if we swopped to his language the conversation would have to end right there. If i gave the impression i was undermining him I'm truly very sorry.
  • No, I don't have any sad feelings at all. My final remark on my language is kind of like a "disclaimer" that I add when joining a forum for the first time. It just means, if I ever misused some words that make me sound ruid, or have caused any misunderstanding, I didn't mean it. That's it. ;-)

    Now come to the more technical part...
    minisweeper: I think to make it an extension you'd need to rewrite the discussion grid rendering class. Unless there's already a delegate in the correct place or mark wants to add one. Then again editing the theme file is probably the easiest way of doing it. Just a shame it's harder to share that way.
    I totally agree with you. Editing the theme is the easiest way. I haven't fully understood the delegate mechanism yet, but it seems to me that the required one is missing in my case.
  • On the subject of feature requests . . . I'd love to see the most recent post show up under each category in the category list.
This discussion has been closed.