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new vanilla theme - best one so far



  • Good work Kasper and good said :)

  • @kasperisager i love your bootstrap theme, ive been patiently waiting for its release.. i definitely think it is comparable to the them i posted above! all the best

    as for all the other comments, i dont even know what to say. $15 is a very good deal for this or any other theme.. if only you knew how much time goes into making a good theme. after buying it you can customize it buy making discussions as the home page instead of categories. the banner and search can also be removed/customized to take up less room. graphical elements could easily be added as well, to give it less of a minimal appearance. as a starting point for a forum, it's great. just fyi

    i love nice themes and the designers who take the time to put thought and care into making a nice clean theme

  • @Raize said:
    $15 is a very good deal for this or any other theme.. if only you knew how much time goes into making a good theme.

    For what concerns me, I know quite well. The same can be said for any software worth using.

  • 422422 MVP
    edited January 2013

    Personally, anyone who releases themes / plugins for Vanilla needs a pat on the back. $15 is the price of 2 cups of coffee ! Get it in perspective guys.
    Some guy last week, badgered me about offering him ongoing support in with the price of one of our themes. Yeah right.

    Personally, Kaspers themes piss on most that are out there, inc the one posted by the OP

    Plus don't forget selling via Envato ( currently in GPL battles with Wordpress over wordcamp ) only get 60% ish of the sale price.

    Why bother

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  • if only you knew how much time goes into making a good theme.

    I think most who have made themes and donated to the community know the time involved. And for quality spotless work $15 is not enough even if you were getting paid to do it as a living.

    after buying it you can customize it buy making discussions as the home page instead of categories. the banner and search can also be removed/customized to take up less room. graphical elements could easily be added as well,

    This might go well with people who know nothing and would not be bothered to learn how to make themes and think they need something done for them.The idea of buying something implies that I already like how it looks. If I buy something pre made, I don't expect to have to remodel it or edit it. Maybe rearrange or font color changes but that is all that a pre made theme should require. If it needs a complete overhaul , then what did I pay for?

    This marketing (best ever theme) is better geared towards people who don't want to do it for themselves or can't tell the diff between good or bad quality. And who have $15 bucks to spare. Maybe it's just me, a do it yourself kind a gal but I have learned a lot this way. In total I have made 14 themes including the admin and mobile themes. Not to mention the repairs to other themes people have asked me to fix for them.
    My measuring stick for quality of work is my own. I would not put out something I would not be proud to use myself. I want my themes to be complete. For people not to have need to change much of the original design. I find that if they feel they need to change it all , then I have failed.

  • edited January 2013

    $15 is the price of 2 cups of coffee !

    or one Starbucks Frapuchino with 3 shots

    Maybe there would not be such controversy if the price was right.... ;)

  • Pricing is always something people will disagree with. Many have the "I want it but I won't pay that for it." Music, videos, software, too many think they deserve what they want for free because someone else will pay for it.

    I spend a lot each year on software. I make a good living writing applications for websites. I also give away a LOT of my hours, many of those back to the communities I get involved with.

    But what's the price of a theme? I have no clue. I do know I'll pay much more the $15 for a theme that meets my needs. Now if only I can find one.

  • a theme that meets my needs. Now if only I can find one.

    The best theme that meets your needs is the one you make yourself. Applications are harder to make than themes Gary, they have to function not just look good. If you can make apps you can make themes !! If I can do it everyone can!!

  • @GaryFunk said:
    But what's the price of a theme? I have no clue. I do know I'll pay much more the $15 for a theme that meets my needs. Now if only I can find one.

    Exactly, hence why there are so many. I opted to stop creating themes, for Vanilla purely because Vanilla itself, has dithered so long developing 2.1

    Perhaps when 2.1 hits final RC, then more theme guys and developers may well get on board and start creating some stonking themes.

    The look and feel , plus price of a theme, is subjective. You can't please all the people all of the time.

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  • It's worth $15 if someone will pay $15 for it. End of story.

  • @vrijvlinder There is truth in that, but to each her own talents. I am not an artist. I can write CFML, a little PHP, ASM and some of the best SQL code you will ever see. But I can't wrap my mind around what it should 'look like' so I look at other sites for design.

  • Once you make your own it's hard to go back. I would pay for a theme that I could not make myself. So the value of something is how much you need it and if you could replicate it yourself or not.

    People ask me to make themes for them, the worst mistake to make is not to know what you want. So I tell them, go on the net and find the most killer site you would like to emulate and I will know what you want. It is not going to work if they say "Surprise me" , I would have to ask how much do you want to be surprised ?

  • @GaryFunk said:
    But what's the price of a theme? I have no clue. I do know I'll pay much more the $15 for a theme that meets my needs. Now if only I can find one.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread, but what are your needs? I think that @vrijvlinder and other Designers could be interested in creating a theme for you. :)

  • so I look at other sites for design.

    Bingo ! If you said to me I want my site to look like this one, I would then know what to do. I have not worked on 2.1 themes but have looked inside and it's the same thing but with other names. You can use your 2 theme in a 2.1 by only changing minor things.

  • I am not an artist.

    That is bullcrap, everyone is an artist. It is part of being human. Putting codes together and knowing what they will do is artistry . Math is art. Computer languages , art. I suspect what you don't like is the tedious work involved, you get over it after the third one and memorize the stuff so you can make them faster and more efficiently.

  • I disagree. Math, computer language and such is logic. 1 + 1 will always equal 2. No matter how you code it. Art is always subjective. Logic is never subjective.

  • edited January 2013

    Logic: The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.
    Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

    It's a science for those who do not know that it is an art.

  • Okay. Not going to go there as, to quote Doctor Who, “resistance is futile.” And it's not going to get me any closer to a theme.

  • @GaryFunk said:
    vrijvlinder There is truth in that, but to each her own talents. I am not an artist. I can write CFML, a little PHP, ASM and some of the best SQL code you will ever see.

    I go off topic again, just to say that I would be pleasantly surprised if I finally had found someone who can write proper SQL. End of my "halleluja rant". :)

  • In what way did I abuse anyone? Trying to convince someone they are an artist, and that = abuse? or was it the quote which showed that logic can be also as subjective as art? Forgive if it caused offense to anyone. I'm done here... :(

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