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OB_GZHANDLER + Cache-Control: no-cache + IE = disaster

sprockettsprockett New
edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone, I can't seem to use OB_GZHANDLER to compress my webpages as well as a "Cache-Control: no-cache" header. IE always seems to cache my pages, even when i give teh proper "nocache" headers. FF works fine, but IE seems to hate it. The only way to make it work is not to compress my pages, but then they'll be huge! Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


  • hmm... the way i've always gotten around that is by appending a random query value to each url, like &rand=dskfjsdf843
    but i don't know if that's practical in vanilla or how to go about it.
  • Vanilla doesnt use ob_gzhandler to compress the pages, which is why each page is 100kb.... when it could be ~30kb...
  • While the first thing I want to say is "fuck IE", the second thing I'm going to say is also probably the same thing just the reason why... I'm certain you've already looked, but here it is anyway:;EN-US;Q234067 with that, I have also found that sending an expired header that's over a minimum of 24-48 hours seems to do the trick when tasking with php instead of the default -1 as shown in the above example. Also, you'll obviously want to add all the meta-tags to accompany those headers. as for the OB_GZHANDLER, I remember screwing with this over a years ago in nearly the same case, but for the life of me right now I can't remember how I fixed it to work in IE. Hope some of that helps at least.
  • ITCHY: Thanks for the tip, that's what I'm currently doing for dynamically generated images, and it works like a charm, but unfortunately, its not too practical to do it for every page in my site.. LECH: Yes, i didnt realize this problem at all, coz i've been testing mainly FF.. further more, most of the people I know use FF. But one has to realize that >60% of the world still uses IE (bleah) =( Thanks for the tip though, I checked that out, the headers/meta tags work fine if i dont use OB_GZHANDLER, but if i do, the pages remain stale.. Don't worry, i guess i'll figure something out, but mark should use some page compression for vanilla, he can easily HALVE his bandwidth usage.
  • good luck, sprockett!
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