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New Style. Crit Needed

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

paste it into your preferences and let me know what you think please.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.


1.) "signed in" tab is wrongly positioned due to lussumo menu at the top.
2.) Start Discussion tab is too wide in ie.


  • It's quite strange with the control panel on the right hand side, and it's very square. But both those comments are relative to the standard theme so can be taken with a pinch of salt. I quite like the colourscheme, i think where it says 'Lussumo Community' it feels a bit boring but again i guess i'm used to the wave background and stuff. Overall pretty nice. I wish i had the design brain/ability to make a theme myself. I might have a go over summer but it's bound to end up knackered (and *definitely* wont validate!)
  • I don't like the greyness of the settings pages, you could probably just give them a white background, something lighter anyway.
    Also, on the Accounts page the content extends beyond the white background.
  • It's a nice work in progress, that's for sure. However the login/logout button appears to be hovering over the "start a new discussion button" which for the moment doesn't appear too pretty, but well done. I do hope you're still working out the colors for threads/sidebar elements, are you? Because this doesn't appear anywhere near finished.
  • I like where you're going with this theme. Keep it up :)
  • Not bad, but the sign out link is buried behind the start new discussion graphic in WebKit. Screenshot:
  • edited May 2006
    ooh, i approve. there's a few little things that are still obviously incomplete, but the idea behind it and the overall execution looks fantastic. the things that i see, just offhand - the "logged in" text is misplaced, just like everyone else has noticed; the white body-background doesn't seem to cover the whole page sometimes (like on the settings pages); and the textarea is unthemed, or you themed it for courier... but other than these little things, it looks and works well! i agree with mini that it's odd to have everything on the right, but that's certainly no fault of the theme.
  • This looks nice, I am new here and it is good to see new stuff all the time.
  • "1.) "signed in" tab is wrongly positioned due to lussumo menu at the top."

    thanks for all your help everyone. the signed in box is wrongly positioned due to the lussumo menu extension's stylesheet. works fine on other installations.

    hopefully have it finished within the week. gonna do some colour variations too.
  • Looking good... only issue found that was not already mentioned is the advanced search button is hiding in the panel.
This discussion has been closed.