Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
MeModule for vanilla

How can I implement the new notification/inbox/bookmarks/options bar in vanilla I wish there was a dedicated plug-in for that.
also, any version of vanilla it is, how can I put that bar in a wordpress site where I'm embeding vanilla? I mean, outside vanilla theme and in the wp theme codes.
@Lincoln @Todd @kasperisager
Any idea??
I can try to answer, based on my limited knowledge of Vanilla 2.1. The answers are a personal opinion, based on what I know, therefore don't take them as "absolute truths":
I think the above should cover the worst case scenario, in which nothing is available and everything would have to be coded. If Vanilla 2.0 offers one or more of the above, then you are in an even better position.
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Thank you @businessdad, but I'm not theoretically newb only! I do even better there honestly, as compared with the same thing in practice. So, your great help means a lot to me -and sorry that it does little. Isn't it possible to make use of Vanilla WordPress widgets (already implementing the call to vanilla to fetch information), then?
I wish I could request a MeModule WordPress Widget besides the existing two (Recent Discussions and User Activity) in the Vanilla WP dedicated plugin. I don't know who to ask...!! @Lincoln or @Todd? @x00? Sorry. (Now I don't mean Vanilla