Trigger Vanilla Log-In/Out
I've been struggling with this for some time now, and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to use Vanilla for the forums on a website I'm working on. The site has it's own Facebook login button (just using the FB Javascript SDK), and that's working fine.
Right now, Vanilla is setup to use the Embed plugin, which just lives in it's own div that gets shown/hidden as the user navigates to and from the forum. What I want to do, is have Vanilla log the user in when they click on the website's Facebook login button (and log them out when the user logs out).
This doesn't seem like it should be terribly difficult, but I can't wrap my head around how to do it. Ideas?
You can use JsConnect to handle Single Sign On between your site and Vanilla. As far as I know, Single Sign On is not supported by the plugin, though, and you would have to implement it.
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Is there another technique (other than the Embed plugin) to get Vanilla placed inside of another page? I'm really trying to avoid having to redirect the user to a page that doesn't match the rest of the site just to get the forums to work. It's beginning to look like I may have to though...
I found, mentioning SSO and Embed can work together. Anyone know any more about how to implement this?
Did you have any luck @svtguy88? I'm working on same issue. Seems window.vanilla_sso object isn't logging in the user to forum
No. I haven't had time to work on this project lately. This is the only other info I've found:
Got it working, thanks svtguy88.
Thanks for the link. That looks like it's going to save me a lot of time.