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Removing "?PostBackAction=" from URL

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is this possible to do at all, either via the files or via htaccess

I'd rather not have the "?PostBackAction=" displayed but just "?={query}"


  • I don't think this would be possible as PostBackAction references a whole chunk of Vanilla on how to process the request your feeding it, without it, Vanilla wouldn't know what exactly you wanted to do.
  • it's not displayed with friendly urls enabled, is it?
  • Yep it is.
  • Well I guess you could set up the .htaccess to have more rules, but they'd also need to be coded into Vanilla when that extension is active.
  • Hi,
    I can not change sequence of categories, i can mark category, but not drag.
    Can you help me ?
    Thank you
    Vanilla 1.1.10
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