If you get a Mobile error Bonk or Smarty compile does not exist, You must create the folders.
Create a folder called Smarty then another called compile and put it into Smarty, put Smarty in the cache directory of your installation .
This topic has been posted extensively over and over and you should be able to find the solution by simply typing in the search bar " Bonk on mobile" or "Bonk Not found on mobile" or "Smarty does not exist or is not a directory"...
the last month, i fixed this error in my forum, searching here only! Lazy ppl wasted more time in writing 1 new thread, when is more easy and fast search resusts in forum.
BtW i need improved my english! haha
I recently opened up a forum. I am not a programmer. The only problem I seem to have at the moment is changing from the default theme or trying to view from a smartphone. I get the ...Smarty/compile does not exist error message.
I first looked at the file structure and found that Smarty and compile did indeed exist. But my search here at the forum tells me that if I get the error, I must create them. And permissions should be set to 777.
Seemed crazy that the latest 'stable' version of Vanilla would include directories that need to be replaced when setting up. But I followed the advice and created new directories. Smarty and compile. (...cache/Smarty/compile)
I still get the same error message.
Maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong?
No framework can create or setup folder or files without permission of the system. That is basic security. It can try, but you are responsible ultimately.
It is the fault of cheap host for creating this impression, and also not properly explaining or providing a facility for setting up permissions and (critically) ownership properly.
In reality chmod 777 shouldn't ever happen. There is not reason to set permission that high, unless you can't set ownership. it is only due to cheap host only.
So you are mistaken, it is not the fault of the framework at all.
it is actually better for people to setup up writeable folder themselves. It is actually not reasonable to expect this out of the box, nor is it good practice.
grep is your friend.
Thanks for that. Like I said, I am not a programmer.
But since I did create the directories and still get the same error message, can you imagine what I am doing wrong?
what is the permissions of those folders?
grep is your friend.
When created 755.
Currently 777.
Just changed them back to 755.
Still get the same error message.
After posting the above, I decided to create the Smarty/compile directories in the 'other' cache.
Solved the problem. At least on my phone.
what other cache? it looks like you have vanilla in vanilla.
grep is your friend.
Second file down under Root.
This is where the Smarty/compile files did not exist before:
Hope this helps the other non-programmers that end up here
Yep you don't really need that other vanilla folder. Neither that or testvan are part of the core.
grep is your friend.
THANKS...what a wonder the search tool is ;-)