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Extensions Page

I'm just working on my first extension, which will require a new page. I would like to just use the extension.php file that is, from what I have read, for just such a thing... however I am having a bit of trouble using it... just how it works with the postbackaction etc. I've searched here, and in the docs, and through the source of other addons, but didnt find anything. I suppose I could just follow the functions around through the Vanilla source and try to figure it all out (and I have been doing that) but I figure it would just be easier to ask for a quick simple demo or something. just how to output to the extensions.php properly... or for that matter, to output from my own page set up in the same manner as the extensions.php page. One key here is "properly" I'm sure I could hack something if i tried hard enough ;) I have looked through the addons already available and haven't really found any that use extensions.php to build a completely separate page- most are just adding to existing controls, etc. If there is an addon that uses this functionality, please let me know and I'll just figure it out from there.


  • That would interest me too. I 'hacked something together' like you say here but I'm sure it's not the proper way of doing things. It does work, though.
  • nobody?
  • I did it pretty much the same way as jakob.
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