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What is "sink" function?

Who can try to explain me, what is the sink function? I try to translated but dont know what is the function of this option. I turn sink/unsink on my live forum for test but i see 0 changes :S
Quiero traducir la opcion "sink" pero desconozco cual es su función, La he usado en mi foro para ver que resultados obtenia y no he notado ninguna diferencia al activar/desactivar la opción. Por lo que no se como deberia traducirse. Si me explican cual es la función que debe tener para asi traducirla.
Normally when you make a new comment, the discussion goes to the top of the list. if you sink a discussion that means than new comment will not bring it to the the top, it will remain fixed in history.
grep is your friend.
Thanks @x00 . Now i know what is the usefull function. I think "Sink" is "Hidden" comments but this is wrong.
Anyway i dont know how to translate this option to Spanish, i think is really useless.. Is more easy ignore the comments and mark all viewed
This is for administrators, etc. it for not giving a discussion prominence, allowing it to disappear in the history rather than rise to the top.
grep is your friend.
Sorry but now i cant understand you
Anyway, in my forum only admins have "Sink" options.
If you have people arguing you can sink that discussion, it will not keep coming up to the top. It will stay in that same place in the discussion list, and other unsunk discussions will have prominence.
grep is your friend.
"Sink" has the meaning of "sending to the bottom", the same way a boat sinks to the bottom of the sea (I think the Spanish word for it is "hundirse"). As @x00 explained, when you sink a discussion, Vanilla will consider it "unimportant", therefore any other discussion will appear before it in the list.
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In reality is not so much sunk as fixed in history, and new comment will not affect its prominence.
The sinking is a relative effect in the time line, as other discussions come to the top.
grep is your friend.
Thanks @x00. In this sense, "sink" could be a confusing term. Anyway, its behaviour is definitely more similar to the act of sinking, than to the definition of "basin". Which reminds me of the classic we are sinking.
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sink=ahogar o hundir o sea que en vez de que cada vez que alguien comenta en una discusión esa se mueve arriba para mostrar que ay un nuevo comentario. Si el administrador quiere, puede ahogar o hundir la discusión para que no vuelva a surgir en el principio de la lista. Lo Forza a que se quede hasta abajo al ultimo o que siga en su lugar por siempre.
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@vrijvlinder to the rescue!
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Sometime there is not intuitive word or phrase to a new or unique concept, you just hat to pick one and wait for adoption.
grep is your friend.
It is a side effect of being bilingual , sink in spanish is where you wash the dishes !! The real meaning of sink as in burry , is enpotrar but that applies to construction like sinking something into the wall. But for this purpose drown=ahogar or hundir=sink or burry, I suppose the best one is hundir
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Yes, yes i understand the option now. So is a option for mature comunity but again, i think is a useless function or used in very few cases.
Tell me 1 example for use this option. When u want "sink" a thread.
@vrijvlinder entiendo lo que me dices, se que "sink" es hundir la conversación, pero lo que yo quiero es saber que uso se le da, para saber exactamente que palabra asignarle en la traducción. Ya que segun el uso la palabra puede ser una u otra.
Igual, pienso que la opción al menos desde mi punto de vista, no es muy necesaria o usada. Ya que no se me ocurre ningun caso real, que requiera el uso de esta opción.
como lo dijo x00 If you have people arguing you can sink that discussion, it will not keep coming up to the top.
Si la gente se esta peleando en vez de cerrar la discusion, uno puede hundirla para que no sea prominente pero que pueda continuar.
Si el tema es muy controversial , Si el tema es penoso ,Si la gente quiere seguir con el tema pero que no entre mas gente . Tiene sus usos.
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Ok, para la proxima vez que me ponga a traducir, creo que ya se que asignarle.