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Van2shout or toolbar bug? How to fix?

How can i fix, this bug? I try to explain.
In the image, i add member list enchanced to my forum, this add 1 new item in the main toolbar header. The "log out" box is drop 1 line more down.
When the "log out" box is drop 1 line more down, Van2shout is buged and stop to run.
Well, i try to make more small the header tool bar but is hard and dont fix the problem. Second i move more closed all boxes for try to drop 1 line up "log out" box, but this is really shit idea so ugly for viewing.
¿How can i fix this?
Van2shout does not work when you are not logged in. That is normal.
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You dont understand me! Im logged, i dont talk about "log in or not log in".
My header toolbar has : Panel, Discussions, Activity, PM box, Profile, Mark all viewed and Log out.
When i add 1 new item, Like Member list enchanced for example, the log in case/box is drop 1 line down and Van2shout is buged. Im login in all of moments.
Well, i try now to resize van2shout box more small.
ok try this add this to your theme custom.css si no ayuda cambie a width:950px
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Dont fix the problem.
¿Can u teach me how to up codes here?
I try first with Banner.Menu{height:50px;} and nothing, now i try Banner.Menu{width:950px;} and same problem, dont fix.
I dont know how to explain this more good sorry
use < pre >yourcode < /pre >
You don't have the one I gave you in your custom.css
that is not in that theme css you need to add it. That is a defect with that theme.
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I add to my custom css in Danca Theme but dont fix my problem. I start to hated this
Creo que hay algo que hago mal, si o si.
Si no consigo arreglarlo, estoy por hacer un video y ponerlo en youtube!
ese chat box tiene sus problemas pero yo lo instale en varios lugares y no causo eso. por lo que digo que tiene que ver con el tema. El que se muevan los links hacia abajo es normal cuando no caben en el ancho que esta. Por eso dije que necesitas ajustar el ancho del ul del Menu para que sea mas ancho de lo que es y no cause que se muevan las cosas. Ese es el truco, de encontrar lo que causa que se haga así y cambiarlo.
Usa firebug para observar que pasa y por donde se tiene que cambiar el ancho de las cosas o mover el Content mas abajo para dar lugar o añadir padding abajo del menú para que no forcé el lugar y se muevan las cosas.
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@vrijvlinder Entiendo lo que me dices. Pero creo que te confundes, paso a explicarme.
Antes de poner Danca Theme, ya tenia este problema con el Default Theme de Vanilla. Cuando añadia alguna opción mas al panel, este al no tener hueco bajaba 1 de los botones hacia abajo, en este caso siempre el "desconectarse".
Cuando esto pasaba Van2Shout dejaba de funcionar. Asi que siempre dejaba alguna opcion desactivada para que el chat funcionase correctamente. Ahora necesito arreglarlo, puesto que no puedo dejar a los usuarios sin chat pero a su vez, yo necesito el Members list.
Cuando tenia el Default Theme ya probé a arreglarlo, pegando mas los botones entre si, pero al final el resultado no fue satisfactorio, puesto que los botones quedaban muy juntos y quedaba feo visualmente.
He intentado ver si poniendo el chat box mas pequeño, a lo mejor esto se arreglaba, pero no lo he conseguido hacer mas pequeño, para verificar si funciona o no.
Todo esto obviamente, lo he hecho con la ayuda de firebug, para localizar las lineas exactas que hay que reconfigurar.
Por desgracia, no tengo mucha experiencia en PhP, por lo que posiblemente este haciendo algun paso mal.
Gracias por tu tiempo!
Y si ordenas las cosas en el panel diferente? give me the link to your site I need to see what is happening. Have you tried other themes to see if the same happens? I know you tried the default theme, but how about if you try another one, download one of mine since I know them very well, use the Glass one. If you like it and it works better we can use the background for danca and it will look the same.
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Hi again!
Well, i try now with others themes Darkred, Joie and Sexy Red theme. With this last theme (Sexy Red) header panel is good, dont drop down "log out" but again van2shout turned off.
Now i turn off "members list for use the chat box.
@vrijvlinder my forum comunity is private and have validate accounts by admins because have adult content. I dont have problems for approved u account now but just remember the content
url is :
really thanks for u help! :=)
I don't care about the content I don't even read it I only look at the code of the page , that chat box you have in the beginning , that does not look like van2shout that looks like the problem you need to make that 250px wide also you need that line I gave you in the beginning, to start with add or change if it is there, exactly as I have written.
I know this for a fact because I helped a friend fix his forum using the same theme. Having same problem.
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yes, i know the chat box in the beginning is other, i install cause, when i active members list, van2shout buged and i need 1 chat box for my comunity. This chat box have only 1 week. The problem with van2shout have around 1 month
I can deleted the chat box and van2shout is buged anyway.
PD: U can see now, i disable pocket plugin to uninstall for now the other chat box :=)
That chat box is fine just need to make it the right size 250px wide. You need to add the code above, let me know when you do.
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ey @vrijvlinder ! now i have all header buttons in 1 line but Van2shout is buged anyway.
I change in my Style.css from Dashboard/desings/style.css line 500.
i change 960 to 990px and now i have only 1 line. "log out" now is in top near others, but van2shout again is broken :P
what does exactly as I have written mean? if you are going to do whatever you want and not follow instructions I can't help you.
The custom.css has precedence over other style sheets. That is where you edit the stuff. If the code you need is not in the custom theme but it is in the main style sheet, you copy that code into the custom.css. You don't edit the main style sheet. Ever. That is how you will break the whole thing no matter what theme you use.
The style for the van2shout is in the van2shout default.php it is in the form of html. That is where you edit the chat box. The rest goes in the custom.css comprende ?
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OMG Ok! OK! Dont hated me god ><
Not is easy for me. I just try to learn a bit... I add the code u said to Custom.css but the result is nothing. Well i copy the code to custom.css now because custom.css dont have the code i paste for you.
I dont know, i can copy the code from style.css and paste in custom.css for this i dont try. And i know custom.css have precedence over style :=)
Well sorry me for this
I add this to my custom.css and the "log out" box now dont move :
I add firts only :
Menu {
width: 990px;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
text-align: left;
vertical-align: bottom;
But the code dont run, now i add all of the code more up to my Custom.css and nothing. When i change in style.css the "log out" box is moved.
I go bad again? :S
It is very frustrating for me when you don't follow instructions. I have been very clear. I can see what you have done and not done just by looking at the code. I don't see the code I gave you to change, I see your changes which are not the right ones.
Si no vas a seguir las instrucciones para arreglarlo no sirve mi ayuda y solo me pone de malas. Cuando veo el código no veo los cambios que te pedi que hicieras , si yo puedo arreglarlo con firebug usando el codigo que e di entonces si sirve pero no lo estas haciendo bien como te indique. No puedo hacer mas sorry....
No se adonde lo pegaste pero no esta. Debes de copiarlo exactamente como esta. Por eso no hace nada.
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you only needed to add two things, the code I posted above, that is not it, compare what I posted and look at yours....que necedad de no seguir las instructions...pero lo que sea si te sirve hazlo .No se de que manera explicarlo mas...
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well i add again you code to custom and deleted all.
i add this in the last line of my custom.css , tell me is right or not :
sin ese punto en el ul
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