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Category URL's

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I think this might have been brought up before, but I can't remember the thread or the outcome of it.

Is there any reason why the URL of categories uses the ID rather than the name of it? The discussions uses a mixture of names/numbers.

Is there anyway to change this?


  • Probably just an oversight. Should be doable. The name in the discussion url bears no reference to anything i dont think, it's just to look pretty. So yeah should be possible.
  • You could use the category ID *and* the category name, just like the discussions use both the discussion ID and the discussion name.

    Alternately, you could probably handcraft mod-rewrite rules that turned the names alone into their respective category IDs, as long as you don't mind these not being automatically updated whenever you add categories.
This discussion has been closed.