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<embed> Full thread not showing?
So I am making the leap, left vbulletin and installed a copy of wordpress / vanilla. So far I am really enjoying it, imported all of the 1500+ users into WP, imported all the threads into vanilla and everything seems to be working pretty well. Except one minor bug. This is likely related to the theme I am using - it's based off Traditional Chocolate. Looks like the website that supported it is gone so I just wanted to see if anyone here had any ideas.
Occasionally when I view a thread, it will only display the last several posts. It truncates the display for some reason. I am going to keep searching and digging but I have seen this in the past with other embed'd applications, I just have no idea what causes it.
Also, have tried the default WP twenty eleven theme - so it's probably not the WP theme causing this. The Traditional Chocolate theme is showing a truncated view when embedded in any WP theme.
When I view the thread without embedding it, it displays correctly.
are you using iframe ?
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Honestly, I have no idea... I assume that is another 3p plugin? If so, I am not.
Checked and nope - Not using it. I did find this post by another member x00..
Can I get some more information on that last part? Not quite sure I am wrapping my head around using a htaccess redirect within a page, only experience I have it would lead you somewhere else.
generally embed uses iframes, and they have massive issues with scrolling. There are dirty fixes, but @x00's method is worth exploring. He will be along at some point, just be patient
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if you are embedding you are using a frame.
The way I see it (I could be wrong) The truncation occurs because the remote.js assumed a smaller size for the retrieved data, often a timing issue embed is computer before iframe has all its data.
You can fix that by changing the adjust height in remote.js (although the issue of the discussion is different the result is the same.
But it is better not to embed at all as 422 mentioned and x00 mentioned, but if you have to just achange the adjust height to a size that fits your average thread size or decrease the number of comments per page in the dashboard.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yer my knowledge is limited with iframes cos, well they are shite.
I believe they load content, pretty much to the viewport size, you can do dirty fixes as stated already but moving away from iframes altogether is the way to go, deffo !
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Yea and I hate embedding in wordpress because alot of useful jquery positioning gets rendered useless and absolute and fixed positioning get screwed if you are adding apps to vanilla.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
So I am likely better off styling my vanilla theme to appear like the wordpress theme it seems.
Yes please and then share the theme or share the guide how you did it on Vanilla Wiki
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I also recommend that approach to all my Customers. It takes a bit more time, but it's worth it, as it gives less headaches once it's up and running.
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