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How exactly does the ban system work?

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does it ban by IP? (becuase that could cause problems if they've posted from a public computer) or if not, does it just ban using cookies? (but then they could just delete their cookies, right?)


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    I believe there's just a role called 'banned' (or any other really, it's the permissions that count) which can be assigned to people.
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    I believe blizeH meant banning, because of too much comments/discussions per time. But I don't know how it works, with unauthenticated users. Maybe by session?
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    Well since you can't really post in Vanilla without being authenticated via some method or other, I don't really see why it couldn't just 'ban' the username for the alloted amount of time.
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    As far as I know it only bans by username at the moment.
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    Does the Ban role normally get access to read only (posts, comments, etc) or do they get banned from everything, whats the norm people use for this
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    Really whatever you want, though it's pretty silly to set ban priviledges lower than unauthenticated users.
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    so you would recommend still letting them read posts just not have the ability to login and post or comment?
    interesting question, who is more lower than dirt an unauthorized user (guest) or a user who was banned lol
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