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Showing top voted
Hi all
Is there a way of showing the top voted discssions on a sidebar?
Its in your CSS
Hi Srggamer
Thanks for your input here but could you please elaborate a bit more?
The way would be on :
theme CSS or addon css, or....?
For now i´m using the Default theme BTW.
Thank you
It doesn't matter what .css you put it in (e.g. in custom.css in your theme, if you don't have it add it). via your plugin (add it to the event - you can see how to do it, in millions of plugins with the addcss method). You can add it via themehooks.
As long as you see the .css being read in furebug or your webdeveloper tools you know it is hitting the file. Then you just need to fashion your css rule to take precedence over any other rules.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
make that firebug
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I´ll try to find one among those millions.
But just to get things a bit clearer: this function (top voted discussions) is plugin´s native ? All the php is already written? Any working example?
Sorry about my ignorance.
I think there has been a "qui pro quo". If I'm right, OP asked how to display the top voted discussion in the sidebar, which maybe @Srggamer understood as "how to alter the way the discussions are displayed", which led to the CSS answer.
The issue is that, as far as I know, the Voting plugin doesn't include a module to display the top voted discussions (unless it has been added recently, I'm still using the latest version compatible with Vanilla 2.0. The solution would be to implement it, then the CSS would be used for styling it.
In short, to answer last question from @wilsoncortez, the PHP has to be added (again, based on my knowledge of the plugin).
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Thank you businessdad
you got it straight to the point:-)
Ohhh Opps never mind sorry.
Sorry For not understanding you.
@Srggamer, no problem at all :-) and thank you for your interest on helping.
Anyway that feature would be a nice one don´t you think so?
Yes I do agree. But most people dont mind where it is right now.
I don't think you are interpreting the discussion correctly. he wants a top voting panel, I believe.
I made a module that picks up top voted discussions (doesn't deal with top voted comments),
"all time top voted discussion(s)" panel would appear on discussion topic page
if you are competent with cutting and pasting code into files and creating files, i will post it. Reason: I don't want to spend hours creating detailed instructions.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
As they say, another job well done. Just a suggestion: if I'm not wrong, Voting plugin is part of the Vanilla Addons repository on Github. You might save some time by forking it and pushing the changes to your branch. Then @wilsoncortez can pick them up from there.
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Sounds like an idea, something for me to keep in mind. In any event users often say I want this, can you develop it, but then either don't use it (for any number of reasons) or realize "what they wanted is not what they wanted"
, so I'll wait till I get requests.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
That´s great peregrine \0/
Please paste it here if you want and I promise that if i can get all the "cut & paste" process to work nice on my end i´ll try to write a step by step instructions manual.
Meanwhile let me try to explain why I think that module will be great for my project and who knows many others:
I´m planning a discussion board to deal with several needs of my neighborhood/district.
The ideas will be posted by community members. The TOP VOTED ideas will be presented to authorities/politicians and maybe get implemented.
Thank you :-)
Giveme a day or two and I'll just upload a plugin. that you can add instead of messing with the voting plugin.
1) Do you just want the name of the discussion and a link to the top five voted discussions (or do you want top voted comments as well).
2) do you want the author of the comment and discussion showing or is just the name of the discussion).
let me know.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Hi peregrine
1) I guess that just the name of the discussion and a link to the top five voted discussions will be perfectly fine
2) Author of discussion and discussion name wil do the trick
Maybe the community will give the author of the top voted discussion a little prize :-)
But hey Peregrine feel free to develop it the way you think is better,ok?
MANY thanks for your time and interest
did 1, but not part 2 - didn't seem necessary.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.