Probable crazy idea for a new 'langauge' for Vanilla..

Inspired by alistapart's Learn to Write article, how about a more friendly langauge set? I know it's probably the dumbest idea ever, and the current langauge set is great, the English used is fluent and very coherent, but maybe it'd be an idea to adopt an approach as described by alistapart and see how it goes.
I'd love to do it myself but my English leaves a lot to be desired, I'm not very creative and I'm a useless writer, so thought I'd suggest it to some of the pros around here...
I'd love to do it myself but my English leaves a lot to be desired, I'm not very creative and I'm a useless writer, so thought I'd suggest it to some of the pros around here...

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blizeH, yes the About Membership text doesn't apply if you've turned of confirmation. It's easy to change. Look in English/definitions.php for the line beginning $Context->Dictionary['AboutMembership'].
Copy that line to your file conf/languages.php and change it to say what you want. It will override the standard text.
Another one people may want to amend in their own settings is: $Context->Dictionary['TermsOfServiceBody']