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HTML in the category descriptions

I know, I know, "The value entered here will be visible from the category page. Html is not allowed." My problem is when I do a newline in the description field, it comes out as <.br /> (without the period, of course), even though I havne't used html! Come to think of it, HTML would be nice in the category description field. Is there anyway to 'mod' this in?


  • HTML wouldne be bad, but I would really like to be able to make a new line, without the BR.
  • yeah, that is bothersome...
  • People actually read descriptions? holy crap! But seriously, if say you did enter html into the description, be it a massive image or a billion font tags to make some wickedly silly rainbow color fade, people would probably want to stab you. The point of descriptions is to keep them descriptive and make the page load fast. If you wanted to mod it out though, you probably could hack a copy of the template that does this job and remove the control that strips html if it's even in there. Otherwise resort to making an extension to do that job.
  • ok, but what about line breaks and the magically appearing
  • That's normal text conversion. Just like in plain-text postings, if you write paragraphs in the comment reply, it's going to follow that simple format at the very least. See, look at the source, a linebreak! indicating I've begun a secondary paragraph in my comment reply as plain-text!
  • Anyone elses sarcasm detector just explode?
This discussion has been closed.