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logo and link to home page

Hi I've just finished designing and uploading my site, I have install vanilla and everything is working, I having just one problem I want to put a link to my home page plus my logo on-top of the vanilla forum. it would look the exact same as the top of my other pages. I was reading the instrustions on how to use styles and themes, but I dont have a themes file in vanilla on my server. please explain the easiest way to get a link to home and my logo on-top of my vanilla fourm. I a beginner so you might have to AtoZ it for me. Cheers


  • edited May 2006
    Easiest way is just to go into Application Settings, and insert your html in the banner title field. In your case this would probably work to cut and paste in there:
    <div style="position:absolute; left:255px; top:970px; width:240px; height:30px;">
        <img src="_wp_generated/wp3ffd5d28.png" width="240" height="30" border="0" title="" alt="wp3ffd5d28.png"></div>
    <div style="position:absolute; left:240px; top:0px; width:270px; height:92px;">
        <img src="_wp_generated/wp93d0fbbb.png" width="270" height="92" border="0" title="" alt=""></div>
    <div style="position:absolute; left:60px; top:33px; width:31px; height:27px;">
        <img src="toadstool-webready.gif" width="31" height="27" border="0" title="" alt="toadstool-webready.gif"></div>
    <div style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:36px; width:55px; height:20px;">
        <img src="home-smuglet.gif" width="55" height="20" border="0" title="" alt="home-smuglet.gif"></div>
    No comment on the generated code.
  • Hi thanks for your help it nearly worked,just got a red x, should I upload the logo and links to a file on my server first. ?
  • Ah. We have a issue with the image file paths. Add a / (just the slash) after every src=". so you would see like this: img src="/_wp_generated/wp3ffd5d28.png" ...

    That will tell the web browser to look in for the images instead of
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