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Bug reports - special characters & Larege file size/amounts thumbnailer handling

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I noticed a bug without how filebrowser interprets special characters. Due to this I've been having to rename my files to not include those characters. Example: é (which is in my name and thus in many of my photo file names) For some reason everything works fine except that both the thumbnail and the regular image are broken links. As soon as I rename them both to not include the special character it immediately adapts and handles the images fine. I'd love to see support for use of such characters in names specifically because the image name is its "label" in filebroser and as such foreign language support (limitedly) would be really useful. The other bugs I came across have to do with thumbnailers ability to handle file sizes and amount of files to convert at once per directory. I easily found a work around, by just selecting some files individually (or unselecting as the case may be) to apply thumbnailer to and then running it multiple times in that same directory until I had completed all the images. It took me a bit to figure it out though. It seems to cap out just over 100, maybe 105-107 or so. If you have more than that selected and click the button it just sits there with no response.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Interesting stuff. I'd love to get my hands dirty with the Filebrowser and get some ajaxy stuff going on in there - especially with regards to thumbnailing. But that's not in the cards at the present moment since Vanilla is still #1 on the todo list.

    If I were to take a stab at why it's messing up on that character, I'd say it could be the character encoding of the php file (try switching to utf-8) or it could be that the filenames are passed through some kind of encoding function that does too much conversion on it.
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