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BBInsertBar 0.1.3



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    Have got same problem as Ikanian and LoOkHerE. As hutstein says, I looked in javascript error console and saw lot of lines like that one:
    Error: name: TypeError message: Statement on line 151: Could not convert undefined or null to object Backtrace: Line 151 of linked script http://vanilla.130/extensions/BBInsertBar/functions.js if ((document.getElementById("Radio_Html")).checked)
    So problem is about non-installed html formatter. Fast solution: installs it OR comment in file BBInsertBar/functions.js all instances of string:
    if (document.getElementById('Radio_Html').checked) wert = 'Html';
    Right solution is making additional checking for html formatter installing fact. hutstein, could you code it?
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    @130: Think you're right. Have HTML Formatter now and seems sorted. Thanks.
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    thx! It works
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    You can use version 0.1.5 and it works fine now
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    Hi all!
    I am a total noob to this but I have had a relatively easy time setting up Vanilla for my forum. My question about BBinsert is this: Why when is that when I format my comments, even as HTML, the HTML code is not working? For example, if I insert a hyperlink it appears as "{a href="">google{/a}" instead of google
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    are there really the { or are there < ??
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    It stopped working all of a sudden on my forum, and I checked out the JavaScript console and it says "test has no properties". Baffling really, as I said, it worked fine, now all of a sudden the BBCodes won't insert.
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    @jesusphreak Are you sure, you have the latest version from this addon, because this error is already removed
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    jesusphreak, same thing happened with me about a week ago it worked fine for me at the start, but then stopped.......the BBcodes wouldn't insert properly
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    Did anyone figure out why this issue is coming up? It makes absolutely no sense to me for it to work initially and then all of a sudden to stop inserting codes.
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    jesusphreak - What formatting (HTML, BBcode, BetterBBCode, Textile, etc...) extensions do you have installed?
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    BetterBBCode and that's it.
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    Have you updated to the most recent version of the extension? People were having the problem you describe with the last version, but the new one fixed that issue.
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