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Account Pictures Extension 1.0
This extension will allow your users to upload their icon and picture and store it on your server. You'll have to create an upload directory and make it writeable. Also, the files which will get uploaded should have writing permissions.
You can change the icon and picture sizes on the settings tab. It will overrule the default Vanilla 1 css to display your custom sized images so you don't need to change the stylesheet manually.
Uploaded images will automatically be resized and cropped!

You can change the icon and picture sizes on the settings tab. It will overrule the default Vanilla 1 css to display your custom sized images so you don't need to change the stylesheet manually.
Uploaded images will automatically be resized and cropped!

This discussion has been closed.
param: 'AccountPictures'
response: "
Failed to modify the extension
P.S. I think it's a problem with another extension again
And two ideas/suggestions:
1. With this extension Avatar and Image function got duplicated. I think if this extension is enabled, the settings in "personal information" should disappear...
2. Animated avatars like mine here are not saved properly, try that
Hopefully these screenshots will explain it better than I can: square avatar and uncropped avatar
Also, I was wondering does this extension limit the size of uploaded files? I'm paranoid in case someone will try to upload something huge just to hog space!
EDIT: Almost forgot - I'm using the latest SVN version of Vanilla.
In the $AddStyle section, look for the following line:
#Comments .CommentHeader li div.CommentIcon { padding: {IconHeight}px 0px {IconHeight}px {IconWidth}px; }
Before the closing bracket, add in:
background: transparent center center no-repeat;
I also added these two lines: I have the avatar size set to 60x60, so you'll have to change the width above if you're using a different size.
if ($OriginalHeight < $NewHeight && $OriginalWidth < $NewWidth) {
if ($OriginalHeight <= $NewHeight && $OriginalWidth <= $NewWidth) {
If the size of an uploaded avatar or picture is exactly the size I want it to have, I doesn't need to be "cropped".
#Comments .CommentHeader li div.CommentIcon { padding: {IconHeight}px 0px {IconHeight}px {IconWidth}px; }
Before the closing bracket, add in: background: transparent center center no-repeat;
This seems to be all you need to do. I added it and it works just fine now.
jesusphreak said: Before the closing bracket, add in: background: transparent center center no-repeat; This seems to be all you need to do. I added it and it works just fine now.
That worked just fine. Thanks.
If there is a possibility to make the icon appear at the left of the text this would be cool.