I want just the text to be displayed

If I hide all the images, the whole marquee disappears. How can I set it to text-only. Also, is there a way to change the text format?


  • edited May 2013


    To display only the text marquee, comment out the lines in the class.marquee.plugin.php that has the images like I did below.. You can edit the text in the same file. The css file has the text style. You can also hide the images in the css file by uncommenting the part that says img.MarqImage {display:none;} in css file.

            // You can edit line 4 below for the marquee 
             if ($MarqImage < > "") {
    //          echo $begwrap . sprintf('< div class="marquee" >< marquee direction="right" scrollamount="20" >< img src="%s" class="MarqImage" / >< /marquee >< /div  >', $MarqImage);
      echo '< div class="textmarquee" >< marquee class="textmarquee" scrollamount="5" direction="left" behavior="scroll" />This is a text marquee that you can change to say whatever you want< /marquee >< /div >';
  • @indianfootynet

    I just uploaded a new version which you can just hide the image marquee from the dashboard and just show the Text. And added fonts to be used for the marquee.

  • Does this let me add a banner header for each discussion area?

  • No this only adds it in the Discussions index Header.

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