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translation(s) 0.9->1.0

ToivoToivo New
edited June 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How to start? is it better to start from the blank page? how do i compare language files (what's added, what's changed). /starts digging into this but maybe someone has answers to these


  • um. i'd say start fresh with the english file off the svn. the way languages work has changed slightly since 9.2.6
  • I'm almost done with a Swedish for 1.0, and I didn't know that there was a Swedish version for 0.9.x (because I had just checked the add-on directory, and not the wiki). So I made it basically from scratch. I do advice you to get the 0.9.x translation, and copy from it, because there are a lot of things that are similar, or even the same.
  • uziuzi
    edited June 2006
    Yeah I took the english version too to make the russian translation...
  • right, <i>examdiff</i> didnt help a bit.
  • Björn - Great to hear you're working on a Swedish translation! A few thoughts: In the 9.x translation, roles was translated into "klasser". I think "roller" is a lot better, "klasser" has seriously bad connotations in Swedish. In the 9.x translation, discussions was called "trÃ¥dar". In the spirit of Vanilla, shouldn't this be translated into the non-technical "diskussioner"? After all, its not called "threads" in the English version. Lastly, on my-prerelease version, the "edit" links on the comments.php page simply does not switch languages. Is it hardcoded? Has this been updated?
  • Hi Thomas, thanks for the tips, I already had "roller" and "disskussioner" in there. About the "edit", that might have to do with the translation file you are using. My Swedish file (which isn't totally finished yet) with my Vanilla 1.0 pre-release shows "ändra" and "göm" next to comments.
  • Sounds fantastic! I'd be very grateful if you could post a message when you've finished the translation.
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