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Back button: a way to get back out of Filebrowser

edited June 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey guys, I have been trying to find a way to splice in a back button or some way to get from filebrowser back to the main PHP application. I am running out of time to do more research before showing this wonderful tool to some people -- how nicely it fits in. I have some examples of html and javascript buttons, but cannot figure out exactly where to splice it into Filebrowser. I cannot get the html or javascript versions to work in the _config XML file (I don't really know XML) or even in index.php. Can anyone provide me with such information, and perhaps the code for a back button that they know works at this point? I would be truly grateful. I will try to contribute to this tool, doing some more research, but it would really help to have a way back out of the tool to the main app working by Thursday morning in order to gain acceptance of the concept. Thanks in advance, bloozman


  • What do you mean by 'the main app' exactly? I'd say the neatest thing to do would be to find where in the source code it creates the path which is up the top right (i.e. / images / cars) and either make that first link back to the main app (might be a config option, i forget), or add a link on the front of that.

    I'm assuming you mean the main app isnt filebrowser there. If i'm right try what i said if you've had no luck i'll try and remember to dig deeper later.
  • This man needs breadcrumb navigation, stat!
  • Right Minisweeper, I have configured one menu option of a larger PHP website application to direct a user to a folder containing Filebrowser, such that he/she can look at what files are displayed there. Obviously, the user could hit the back browser button to navigate back but that is not really very elegant or helpful to end users -- and some end users may get confused. "How do I get back from here?" I can hear one saying. I might eventually be able to splice in my PHP menu array header into the index.php file, but for now, a simple back button or even link at this point from near the top of the filebrowser would be most helpful at this 11th hour. That's what I am asking you (all)? Where in the nearly 1500 lines of code in index.php file would I splice in a back button or link? It does not appear to be a choice in the _confix.xml file and html code causes errors in _config.xml as does javascript. As a user, I see a link displayed in the upper right corner of Filebrowser, but that is the current spot, the current path, which takes them right where they are. I need the user to be able to go back one folder level or back to the root level. I am seeing PHP variables in index.php starting around line 1220 defining "$CurrentPath" and "$RootPath", and I think the upper right link may result from but "$CurrentPath", but I really need < $CurrentPath - one level >. I may be getting close. (line 1217 Section 5. Write Page Head, seems a place to look) I thought someone out there more familiar with this tool, or perhaps Mark, would know straight off and save me some time at this point. I am running out of time right now. Sorry for the trouble,
  • Ok. open up index.php and go to line 1306 (i think)
    it should say:
    If you want to add a link in (and for sure this isnt the most elegant solution but it works and if you're short of time it will do the trick) just do something like:
    <h1>".$Config->PageTitle."</h1><a href='whatever'>link</a>
    And it should add your link just before the structure links at the top right.

    Hope thats ok for you. If you wanted to put it somewhere else you'd need to pick a static part of the page near where you wanted it then search for that bit in the source file but atleast this way you'll have a link!
  • Thank You MiniSweeper !!! (Big Hug) That is working and certainly gets me through the crisis period and gives me a jumping point for future modifications. You saved the day and significant time for me, as well. I very much appreciate your time and assistance today, neighbor. Thanks, again. Bloozman (not singin' the blues now, though!)
  • heh. No probs. Glad to be of assistance.
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