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Easy Members List 0.2.1 on Vanilla 2.1b1 messes up the Authentication page!

MasterOneMasterOne ✭✭
edited May 2013 in Feedback

I have reported a problem earlier in the forum about Dashboard >> Users >> Authentication page loosing all formating, in fact it's not using the template any more. The details with screenshots can be found here.

With trial and error I tracked that problem down to the Easy Members List 0.2.1 plugin, means if I disable this plugin, everything is OK, when I enable it, the Authentication page (and only that one) gets messed up.

I already looked through class.easymemberslist.plugin.php, but with my limited knowledge I could not find anything unusual. This problem is not CSS related, and I really did not imagine that a plugin can cause such a problem in core functionality (after all, it seems awkward to me that only the Authentication page is effected).

Any idea what could be wrong?


  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2013

    try the default theme and see if you get the same error.

    where is here?
    oh never mind links to discussions are highly unreadable when masked in an anchor tag :).


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2013

    I don't use this plugin I use my own memberslist enhanced mine

    Although I could learn some things on a nice cleanly written plugin like this one..

    but to solve the problem,...

    easier to use as an admin if
    this is changed

      public function SettingsController_EasyMembersList_Create($Sender) {
     public function SettingsController_EasyMembersList_Create($Sender) {

    ALSO to fix the fatal error when show in menu box is checked...
    you need to modify this
     public function Base_Render_Before($Sender){//check settings
        if( C('Plugins.EasyMembersList.ShowLinkInMenu', '0') == '1' ){
              $Sender->Menu->AddLink('Members', T('Members list'), 'members');
      public function Base_Render_Before($Sender){//check settings
        if( C('Plugins.EasyMembersList.ShowLinkInMenu', '0') == '1' ){
          if(self::isUserAllowed($Sender) && ($Sender->Menu)){
              $Sender->Menu->AddLink('Members', T('Members list'), 'members');

    I don't suspect you will click insightful, and it is not a RTFM to nebies, it is a RTFEtiquette.
    (But as they say in the Seinfeld episode - "No more Soup for you" ... if you don't start.)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine

    Will try this asap. And yes, the problem exists with the default theme as well. No idea why I always forget to hit "Insightful", I really mean to. ;)

  • @MasterOne

    If you know you forget to do it, factor in a slot in your day to check, and set your alarm for Thanks O'Clock.

  • @whu606 said:
    If you know you forget to do it, factor in a slot in your day to check, and set your alarm for Thanks O'Clock.

    Today while being on the road, I went through all my discussions, and hit "Insightful" and "Awesome" accordingly. I really don't want to be the bad guy. :)

  • @peregrine

    That's amazing, your patch is working! I would have never guessed that that part of class.easymemberslist.plugin.php could be causing the problem, as it doesn't have anything to do with the Dashboard but with adding the link to the menu. Would you be so kind explaining how that part could mess up the Authentication page?

  • BTW The original author of that plugin uses <?php if(!defined('APPLICATION')) die(); and a ?> closing at the end of that file. Is this still a valid way of doing it? Other files I have examined use exit() instead of die() and no closing ?> at the end.

  • That's amazing, your patch is working! I would have never guessed that that part of class.easymemberslist.plugin.php could be causing the problem, as it doesn't have anything to do with the Dashboard but with adding the link to the menu. Would you be so kind explaining how that part could mess up the Authentication page?

    when you were logged in as root, you changed settings in plugin to place link in menu

    Do you see a top menu in the Dashboard?
    rhetorical question -
    answer "No"

    It tried to add the link to the Authentication page, thus fatal error.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @MasterOne

    now you can download this plugin


    and see if the new version of ml implemented above patches (which fixed the problem) or if it was fixed another way. comparing versions for changes is a great way to learn.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:

    now you can download this plugin
    and see if the new version of ml implemented above patches (which fixed the problem) or if it was fixed another way. comparing versions for changes is a great way to learn.

    Already tried that one, but it doesn't work properly for me as I have installed some plugins from git, and the plugin was reporting new versions with lesser version numbers then.

  • lifeisfoolifeisfoo ✭✭✭

    Sorry for the delay (I had not seen this discussion...) and sorry for the bug.

    Thank you @peregrine for the quick, but no so obvious, fix. I've uploaded a new version (with the fix).

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

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