SphinxSearchLite Configuration Help

Hi everbody,
I tried to install the SphinxSearch Lite today again and i got struck at step 2 of the wizard.
It outputs:
_Indexer Path: Not detected
Searchd Path: Not detected
Conf Path: Not detected_
So, i guess there must be need of configuration that i'm not aware off. Also when i looked into the plugin folder, i found a dolder called "assests". Isn't this one "s" to much. Can someone give me a hint what to fill in the input fields that output not detected? Do i have to install some files from the original SphinxSearch Website?
I've already startet a discussion about it in the past that was related to the "not light" version, but please don't be angry with me as i even don't understand the configuration of the Light plugin.
Thanx for any helps or tipps.
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assests is a variable he defined - it does not refer to "assets" as you would think.
@mcuhq could be on holidays today.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine: Ok, thanx for info. I thought so just wanted to ask up on it again.
@mcuhq has hopefully a great sunny day.
Yea this is spelling mistake. Shouldn't cause any problem since I was consistent with this error
Essentially this version is a drop-in replacement to the original search along with some basic advanced search functionality.
What I should have done from the start, even with the original, was to simply just generate your sphinx.conf file and not do any error checking. For this to happen, you have to tell it those 3 inputs.
The error you are receiving of "not located" (assuming you do have sphinx installed correctly already) is that apache does not read/write capabilities outside of your
web root. Sphinx is most likely installed outside of this directly which is why you receive that error. This is fine and all because it is secure that way. I just wanted the plugin to be a bit smarter of validating, but as you can see it causes all sorts of problems.The next release will still simply require you to paste your stock sphinx.conf into a text box along with the paths of indexer and searchd (but not validate their existence). Then the plugin will output a big wall of text that will represent your new sphinx.conf that you should then overwrite the original with. You would then start sphinx through your own means and perform a search. Any error message will be printed to the top of your search results to correct.
The above should fix these read/write problems. The installation and validation will be abstracted away from the plugin
excellent idea. Always thought that was the way to go
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Ok, try the latest version now. You are still required to install sphinx by yourself though. I recommend going through your distro. It could be as easy as one line in the command terminal. I have not personally tested this with a windows environment, but it should still work.
@mcu_hg: Thanx a lot for the information. I will come to answering that when i 'm more clear about Sphinx.
I encountered some misunderstandings. First i didn't know how and where to install sphinx on the server (maybe we can make a little tutorial for others who want to use the plugin). I never heard about SphinxSearch before. Then i was not sure which versions are supported and lots a questions like this. I also thought the wizard will do everything for me.
So i will give it another shot.
For other: http://sphinxsearch.com/downloads/
The wizard for the original SphinxSearch will install it for you in your web root directory. The "Lite" version installer only generates your config file AFTER you installed sphinx by yourself either using your distro or manually. It does not validate the existence of the installed files, due to people having problems with the apache permissions read/write outside of web root.
2.0.6 -> 2.0.8 have been tested. Sphinx has been pretty good with backwards compatibility.
Are you on windows or linux?
correct me if I'm wrong @mcu_hq
I think he's on linux, but if he's on a windows server he could download prebuilt binary).
if linux host therefore no way to download pre-built binary, correct. So he needs access to command line to install and make prior to using sphinxlite.
OR he should use the full sphinx install distro to install it (let it make and configure if his host allows it) and if he runs into problems. he should ask host to install sphinx and get the correct paths to indexer and searchd.
if distro is installed, he could to sphinxlite (assuming distro installed) and manually enter correct paths (searchd, indexer, and conf ) to avoid the path checking used in full distribution.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
You're right @peregrine . Either compile and install yourself or use the distro (if using sphinxlite). Lite version will not install it. The main sphinx plugin does provide an installer, so that is always an option, however the user should be aware that the the installed files on inside of the
root. Everything else you said above is correct.Yep, you both are right. I'm on a managed Linux server not allowing me deeper/upper in the filetree than the www root.
Ask them if they can install it for you then. Some hosts allow it, some won't. Once installed, use sphinxsearchlite to connect to the daemon running.