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Filebrowser troubles
When I browse to my filebrowser install (http://jdsmith.rwnaf.local/filebrowser/index.php) I get the below errors. This is jus ta snippet from the beginning, it appears to have dumped a ton of hte php code along with it. I'm running php5 and apache on this machine. Does anyone have an idea of what I need to do? :)
----------- error snip -----------------
ObjectFactory->NewObject($Context, "Error"); } else { $Error = new Error(); } $Error->AffectedElement = $AffectedElement; $Error->AffectedFunction = $AffectedFunction; $Error->Message = $Message; $Error->Code = $Code; $this->Errors[] = $Error; $this->ErrorCount += 1; if ($WriteAndKill == 1) $this->Write($Context); } function Clear() { $this->ErrorCount = 0; $this->Errors = array(); } function ErrorManager() { $this->Clear(); } function Iif($True = "1", $False = "0") { if ($this->ErrorCount == 0) { return $True; } else { return $False; } } function Write(&$Context) { echo(" "); if ($this->StyleSheet == "") { echo(" "); } else { echo("StyleSheet."\" />\r\n"); } echo("
A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred
Technical information (for support personel):
"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Errors); $i++) { echo("
Error Message: ".ForceString($this->Errors[$i]->Message, "No error message supplied")."
Affected Elements: ".ForceString($this->Errors[$i]->AffectedElement, "undefined").".".ForceString($this->Errors[$i]->AffectedFunction, "undefined")."();
"); $Code = ForceString($this->Errors[$i]->Code, ""); if ($Code != "") { echo("
The error occurred on or near:
".$Code." "); } } if ($Context) { if ($Context->Mode == agMODE_DEBUG && $Context->SqlCollector) { echo("
Database queries run prior to error
"); $Context->SqlCollector->Write(); } } echo("
For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Software support website at:
"); // Cleanup if ($Context) $Context->Unload(); die(); } function GetSimple() { $sReturn = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Errors); $i++) { $sReturn .= ForceString($this->Errors[$i]->Message, "No error message supplied\r\n"); } return $sReturn; } } class Parameters { var $aParameters = array(); // Add an element to the collection function Add($Name, $Value, $EncodeValue = 1) { if ($EncodeValue && !is_array($Value)) $Value = urlencode($Value); $this->aParameters[$Name] = $Value; } // Completely clear the collection function Clear() { $this->aParameters = array(); } // Return a count of how many elements are in the collection function Count() { return count($this->aParameters); } // Retrieves all get and post variables function DefineCollection($Collection, $ParameterPrefix = "", $IncludeByPrefix = "0", $ExcludeByPrefix = "0") { $ParameterPrefix = ForceString($ParameterPrefix, ""); $IncludeByPrefix = ForceBool($IncludeByPrefix, 0); $ExcludeByPrefix = ForceBool($ExcludeByPrefix, 0); $Add = 1; while (list($key, $value) = each($Collection)) { $Add = 1; if ($ParameterPrefix != "") { $PrefixMatchLocation = strstr($key, $ParameterPrefix); // If the prefix isn't found or the location is anywhere other than 0 (the start of the variable name) if ($PrefixMatchLocation === false || $PrefixMatchLocation != 0) { if ($IncludeByPrefix) $Add = 0; } else { if ($ExcludeByPrefix) $Add = 0; } } if ($Add) $this->Add($key, $value); } } function GetHiddenInputs() { $sReturn = ""; while (list($key, $val) = each($this->aParameters)) { if(is_array($val)) { $nmrows = count($val); for ($i = 0; $i < $nmrows; ++$i) { $sReturn .= "\r\n"; } } else { $sReturn .= "\r\n"; } } reset($this->aParameters); return $sReturn; } // Return the collection as a string in querystring name/value pair format function GetQueryString() { $sReturn = ""; while (list($key, $val) = each($this->aParameters)) { if(is_array($val)) { $nmrows = count($val); for ($i = 0; $i < $nmrows; ++$i) { $sReturn .= $key ."[]=" . $val[$i] . "&"; } } else { $sReturn .= $key . "=" . $val . "&"; } } // remove trailing ampersand $sReturn = substr($sReturn,0,strlen($sReturn) - 5); if ($sReturn != "") $sReturn = "?".$sReturn; reset($this->aParameters); return $sReturn; } // Remove an element from the collection function Remove($Name) { $key_index = array_keys(array_keys($this->aParameters), $Name); if (count($key_index) > 0) array_splice($this->aParameters, $key_index[0], 1); } // Set a value. If it already exists, overwrite it. function Set($Name, $Value, $EncodeValue = 1) { $this->Remove($Name); $this->Add($Name, $Value, $EncodeValue); } } class XmlNode {
---------- end snip -------------
This discussion has been closed.
Might be worth doing this on the official download, mark?
If you have and its still not doing it there are a number of reasons.
And no worries, it took me a while to notice that the opening tag wasnt right the first time the error came up here. It's been around a few times though.
And it should thumbnail dirs at a time if you select them all. It might take a while but it'l run through them all itself.