Displaying last activity (discussion or comment) in category view

I just started using vanilla and am working on my own theme now. I want to to have a similar look and feel to other forums I use/frequent.
One of the little things I'm struggeling right now is the "Meta" information on the category list.
I'm using category/all as default view. As you can see in the screenshot, it shows the "latest post" ("post" = vanilla "comment", "topic" = vanilla "discussion").
However I want it to show "latest ACTIVITY". that not only lists last comment/post but (if it's more recent) the last discussion/topic. So in this example it should also display the Meta information for the Sub-Categories "Member Discussion" and "Recruitment".
So, is there any way to treat initial discussion posts the same way as comment posts so they correctly show in the Latest Meta?
Any hints greatly appreciated
I have create several sub-categories as shown in the attachment. Is there any way to show the meta information , just like what shown on the main category?