Wordpress User Connect
Hey Guys,
I'm completely new at this so I apologize if anything I say is incorrect.
I'm currently running on Vanilla
The plugins I currently have activated are: Vanilla, FileUpload, Flagging, Tagging, Vanilla jsConnect, and Vanilla Statistics. My theme is Vanilla Pagelines Integration. Pagelines is the theme that we use on Wordpress so it carries over to Vanilla.
I have been working to get Wordpress to link with Vanilla. I've tried the Vanilla Wordpress Plugin as well as WP Vanilla Connect. I have no clue what is wrong with my site but things that I do in the back end typically do not take effect for 24+ hours. I want people to only be able to sign in with their Wordpress accounts and not be able to register with Vanilla.
My biggest question right now is, if I use the jsConnect, does that import over the users role on Wordpress to Vanilla? For example, we have members who we would want to have permission to certain categories. If Vanilla does not import the user role then I'm assuming that this isn't possible. This is something that is vital for us to have so before I spend any more time trying to configure Vanilla, I want to make sure that this won't be an issue.
Thanks for your time and help!