Theme Upload Guidelines Proposal

based on recent events I came up with this idea to help prevent it in the future. If you have more ideas for guidelines please post them to compile a good list that can be followed or checked before uploading something wrong.
So you have a theme you wish to Upload and share with everybody. Great , but first you need to follow these guidelines:
You must be the Author of the theme or have permission by the Author to Upload and distribute the theme.
If you cloned a theme that was free, you must include the original author's name saying that the theme is based on another theme by Name of the Author. Or this theme was created by Name of Author.
If you cloned a theme you bought, You can't Upload it to the add ons section.
You can't use graphics, favicons, icons, images , badges or any other media that is copyrighted or that is from a known Brand like Google or Facebook, StackExchange, Vanilla Forum.
You can't use the name of a well known Theme in your new Theme. Even if it is totally different .
example: Facebook theme or Google theme or Bootstrap theme or any other theme which has been published by someone else.
You must use an original name and original media. Or that which has been obtained legally, for free use or with the consent of the author. Remember that you are distributing these once you upload and are responsible for that which you uploaded.
You should make sure your themes are well tested with other plugins to minimize the post upload support you might be asked to give if something does not work right.