How to bulk create multiple discussions?
I need to create about 8000 discussions for a stock message board. There will be 1 discussion for each stock symbol.
I was looking at the MySQL tables to try and figure out how to do this and it seems simple enough.
Do I just need to update the 'GDN_Discussion' table with a new row for each new discussion I want to add? I can create the .SQL script with the simple insert statements to do this but I wanted to check with the more experienced users to see if this will get the job done.
Is this all I need to do to bulk create discussions - i.e. insert a new row into the 'GDN_Discussion' table?
P.S. I will be using PHPMyAdmin and a fresh installation of Vanilla for this task.
Thanks for the help.
Best Answer
Shadowdare MVP
One way to do this is to create a PHP script that instantiates DiscussionModel() from Vanilla and then uses it to create discussions from data that you input through an array.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
One way to do this is to create a PHP script that instantiates DiscussionModel() from Vanilla and then uses it to create discussions from data that you input through an array.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app