How do you turn mobile and default theme off?

I'm using the Grayscale Green theme for my forum. When I visit the forum on a computer or laptop it goes to this theme. When I visit the forum from a mobile device it goes to the mobile theme. I do NOT want to use a mobile theme. I want mobile device users to go to the regular theme and view the forum just as it looks on a computer. When I remove the mobile theme from the "Themes" directory it automatically goes to the default theme when viewing from a mobile device. Even when I remove both the mobile and the default theme from the "Themes" directory it still goes to the default theme when viewing from a mobile device.
How can I get mobile visitors to NOT be directed to the mobile or default theme but rather the Grayscale Green theme?
Thanks for your time and assistance!
Well, you can force this via the conf/config.php file:
$Configuration['Garden']['MobileTheme'] = 'nameoftheme';
where you would replace 'nameoftheme' with whatever the main theme name is.
Are you sure forcing the main site won't detract from your mobile users' experience?
I'd strongly suggest you check out how it would look on mobile devices first.
I use the to see how things would look.
You could also create a custom mobile theme which would match the colour/style of the Grayscale Green theme.
Thanks so much, whu606!!! That worked perfectly! I like the way this theme looks on mobile devices as is, but I would be interested in creating a custom mobile theme for it. Could you please advise me on how to go about doing this? Or is there documentation somewhere that I can follow?
Thanks again!
You're welcome.
Copy the Mobile theme folder in your themes folder, and rename it to what you want.
You can then edit the custom.css file (and/or the default.master file in views) to however you want it.
If you use Firebug in Firefox, or another inspect element tool, you can see what the elements you want to change are called.
Remember to edit the details in the about.php file.
When you are ready, change the name in the line in config.php to match your new theme name.
Thanks! I'll try that.