Update on Peregine Reactions Plugin
I've got as much of the features I plan to add in this version. It will run in vanilla 2.1 ONLY
I plan to release it when I get a few more monetary pledges.
Here are the specs and some screenshots.
- it will not work in
- it will not have a hover for the reactions clicks the bar is there (feel freee to modify for your needs)
- it will not display a discussion list in the profile of who clicked on what. (perhaps later, no promises)
- it will not have good looking badges or icons, but placeholders. (you can put whatever icons you want in there)
- there will be no weekly point listing (maybe later, not sure, no promises).
What it currently will do upon release:
text and badge name and reaction names will be translatable through definitions
there will be four reactions.
the points will be added 1 point per click.
the points will be tallied for an individual upon signin or upon viewing the individuals profile (the same exact way the current badges plugin works now.
four numbers will appear in the activity page.
the peregrine leader board plugin will show the top point leaders.
the membership enhanced plugin and the peregrine badges plugin have been modified to work with the peregrine reactions plugin.
@phreak and any one else who see value in making a donation for this plugin.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
An example of how you could modify it.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
All I can say is wow !! you got 5 plugins to work together and look awesome and works on all versions and it shows in the activity page and it works with symbolo !!
This is worth eternal donations
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
thx for helping making the point very clear
peregrine reactions will NOT work in vanilla 2.0.18.x ,
It's only a matter of time for release of 2.1, we know its gonna happen some time and various people have it running in live installations, it might give impetus to donate and pledge for the Peregrine Reaction plugin if you find the feature valuable enough to upgrade. I made my point on this pledge drive. Thx.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
oh, misread that part
I hope then that there is enough people using 2.1 to benefit from this excellent plugin that beats the original and they will likely want it 
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If I am not mistaking, it will create an invaluable bundle -
1) Karma
2) Leaderboard
3) Badges
4) Reactions
Its an kickass combo. You make this community proud.
Now the question is to find 5th element that makes it profitable or salable for peregrine. May be modification requests/ or installation/ or integration with installed plugins. Playground is open.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
there is a 5th element @aery , the symbols
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I think there are perfectly acceptable parameters (especially the last one, considering how time consuming it must have been for you to produce all your contributions). It's a great plan.
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@peregrine: VanillaSkins.com steps in with $645 sponsoring peregrines Reactions and helps updating two other plugins. Spread the love and spoil my purse.
Peregrine and i tailored this out first hand. Help us sponsor this thing to get it out to everyone and make missing features possible.
Great support from @phreak. Just to be pedantic, a word to those who were thinking of contributing, but are having second thoughts because of this generous offer: don't be shy and keep donating. 645 dollars is not a high amount, on most markets it would buy one day of work from a consultant, more or less. I'm quite sure that @peregrine will spend much more than one day on this project.
My shop | About Me
Thank you Phreak ---
I am honestly declining your generous donation of $645, because it is too large for me to meet expectations of such a largesse. Please provide a more reasonable smaller donation, if you can...
Donation Declined - reason, to invoice an amount this large would be an amount too much for one person to shoulder, and i don't do invoices either.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine: Ok i just wanted to step in and value the work you do at least with a small amount that is higher than usual smaller donations. On my business side i need invoices before money goes of the bank. To bad we couldn't settle so i could provide you with at least one month of lunches.
Nevertheless you've proved unbelievable ubercool again due to posting "Peregrine Reactions" without even having a decent amount of donations. So i'd really ask the community to exchange one of their lunches for one for peregrine. In return you get a decent add-on making your community even happier (which may make them to buy you lunches for you).
So as a reminder: Donate!
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
I love Peregrine Reactions! it's a hot tomato , you will too please donate !!!
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
this is awesome, too bad we will be using for a while longer. what amount is necessary to make it work with
@fh111 thanks for the awesome, but....
Hmm, what would I do in a situation like this. Would i upgrade to vanilla 2.2 for free, or would I ask for a quote from a person who has repeatedly said they don't do quotes
If I did it for 2.1.18, the next person using version 1.x would expect me to do it for them also, and I don't want to be unfair.
I think better use of my time would be improving feature for use in 2.2. wdyt? I'm a just waiting on donations without strings attached, and maybe I'll add more features.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@underdog - can you close this thread. since the update is over and the place for future posts is under the plugin.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.