Making compatible with voting:

So to make this plugin still work with voting I disabled the sorting in the voting plugin. That was done in the file on line 137 to 153 by commenting out the following:
public function CommentModel_AfterConstruct_Handler($CommentModel) {
` $Sort = self::CommentSort();
switch (strtolower($Sort)) { case 'date': $CommentModel->OrderBy('c.DateInserted'); break; case 'popular': default: $CommentModel->OrderBy(array('coalesce(c.Score, 0) desc', 'c.CommentID')); break; }
But now that I look at the code I'm wondering if there might be a way to use this section:
OrderBy(array('c.ParentCommentID', 'asc', 'coalesce(c.Score, 0) desc', 'c.CommentID'));
in the class.replyto.plugin.php file. Because, on line 160 the replyto plugin has:
$Data = $SQL->Select('CommentID')->Select('ParentCommentID') ->From('Comment') ->Where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID) ->OrderBy('ParentCommentID', 'asc') ->OrderBy('DateInserted', 'asc') ->Get();
So wouldn't it be possible to just add another OrderBy that says if (votingpluginexists) Orderby: c.Score