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help& support in different languages

ToivoToivo New
edited 2006 01 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How is it going? will there be a wiki? forum? do you need a team to translate these?


  • Mark intends to support different languages and I'm sure he'd love help translating them since he only speaks english. At the moment however the english documentation isnt up to date since all the changes with v1 so anyone translating it would be wasting their time.
    I'm sure if you keep it in mind and pop up when the english documentation has been updated and offer to translate it he'll be more than greatful :)

    As for running a forum i think he's a little dubious because clearly he has no means of moderating whats going on with it since he wont understand what's being said. I'm not saying he's against the idea but i cant give a definite answer.
  • Mark wrote about international vanilla and the difficulties in swell.
  • ToivoToivo New
    edited 2006 01
    it would be nice to know how long a tour will take., 30 secs or 3 minutes. could it be added but mark, do you have basic structure in place how the tour page will look like in the future? you have at the moment 5+5+4 tours. do you have plan to add these? is it all or do you have plans to add some 'help' or 'faq' pages. trying to translate these tours ...
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