How to Search the Forum, Before you Ask...

The search feature in this forum is great ! Mostly due to the large volume of topics that have been posted here by users like you and I.
Many Users start a new discussion because they claim they did not find anything in the search . We know that is just not possible given the thousands of posts about the same subject. So the problem it seems is with the search parameters
To be successful with a search you need to use the best wording/parameters. In most cases , it is the question you intend to ask. So try to use that as a parameter to make your search successful. For Example:
You want to ask : "I get a "Not Found Error"... "
You enter that into the search first: I get a "Not Found Error"
If that does not yield enough results, try the same question with different words add words or numbers or even code:
You enter that into the search : I get a "404 Not Found Error" when I click a link in the menu....
The point is that I can find every discussion ever had about the subject simply by searching the question being asked. That is only because the same question has been asked about 300 000 times since I arrived here, so I know it has been asked and likely answered that many more times.
So if my search skills find results using your own question, You should be able to find the same results as well by simply inputting your planned question into the search bar first , before you start another discussion about the same issue and save yourself some time.
To Get Search Results Fast, Input Your Exact Question Into The Search Bar
If the forums internal search doesn't show you what you were looking for, try Google: " your search term".
Please search the forum ... Thanks !
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To those people who may necropost, please search for the most recent threads to make your search more successful .
necropost=reviving a dead obsolete thread
How old is old ? Generally 3 years is old but some 2 year olds are also old.
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