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ShareThis Plugin Not Working With

Hi...I just enabled the ShareThis plugin on my Vanilla forum but none of the social icons are showing up in my post.
I'm using the Vanilla Press 2010 theme, and the only other plugins I have enabled currently are Stop Forum Spam and WYSIWYG (CLEditor), both of which i disabled but still no social icons. I have SSL on my forum but Id assume that should be standard.
This appears to be the only social sharing plugin which is approved by the Vanilla community so I'm really hoping someone can offer some feedback here as to what the issue could be. Thanks.
do you have a link ? to see the installation is your forum in a subfolder or in the root ?
just copy this into your default.master.php of the theme where you want it to appear.
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You will need to make an account at Sharethis .com to get your own publisher number and register your domain.
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I made a newer version of this plugin see if it works for you
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Ok I made the plugin also post on comments and works with all versions I will upload it to the addons in a bit
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Hi vrijvlinder...sorry for the delayed reply here as i really appreciate the help. I installed your plugin, included my ShareThis publisher key, and registered my domain with them, but the social media icons still aren't showing up for some reason.
I was going to try just adding the code to my default.master.php file but that code doesnt seem to include all of the ShareThis icons and I'd prefer to go the plugin route if possible but at this point if thats the only way I guess I'll try it but I thought I'd get your opinion first as I dont see why the plugins aren't working.
Here is a link to my forum like you first asked for. Thoughts?
Yes try out the one I just released and see if that works for you .
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Yeah sorry but its still not working for me here. I tried with and without all other plugins disabled, and I added and removed it twice, and clearing my cache even but they're still not showing up.
I apologize as this has to be due to some change ive made I guess but i have no idea what it could be. I made a few smaller changes with the default.master.tpl and css for the theme but i dont see how they would prevent this plugin from working when my other plugins are.
My forum...any suggestions?
I think it's a browser thing coz I see it !! try using Safari or something else
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Yeah it is. it works in Firefox but not in Chrome
Here is the proof
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K thanks. I know im pushing it here but is there a chance you could make your plugin Chrome friendly?
If you left the code in the tpl, remove it. You don't need it with this plugin now. If you can't see it try making sure you have javascript enabled in your browser... whatever that is
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I actually never added the code to tpl and Javascript is enabled but still no icons showing in Chrome. They show perfectly in Firefox.
Regardless if we can make ur plugin Chrome friendly or not...Thanks for all your effort on this vrijvlinder
Sorry to disappoint you but it works fine on Chrome too... your problem is you need to follow directions...
Remove the stuff out from the tpl and only use the plugin. Also something is blocking the javascript on your site so look into that. If you use Chrome web inspector, you will see in the resources area a big red blocking banner that tells you the script was blocked.
You need to make your browser allow pop ups , you need to allow javascript and that is as much as I can think of . I can see my buttons on my site on chrome just fine...
try looking here in chrome
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Just to be clear, not disappointed as I sincerely appreciate all of your help so I apologize if I came across as ungrateful in anyway. The issue is definitely on my end as i see its working fine on your site in Chrome so the plugin works 100%. I see what you mean through Chrome web inspector, as it indicates my site is actually blocking your plugin and giving me this error message:
stLight is not defined
Apparently others have experienced the same problem with the ShareThis plugin
I just need to keep digging as they did to figure out what extension on my site is blocking it. Thanks again vrijvlinder.
Good find !! I am sure there is a fix ... I will also look , possibly it only happens on a PC ? I will look on my laptop/
yes I saw that. That actually is what calls the Facebook like button style, Light or Dark . I believe that also happens in Firefox but it does not affect the function in Firefox as it is only about what the button looks like.
the problem is with this and the answer is right there.
So I go back to my diagnosis that** it's a browser issue not the plugin**. I have all sorts of blocking things on Firefox so I get some message , but it is not due to the plugin as it is only a widget that gets embedded in the comments and discussions.
The plugin is browser neutral . Your Server is what allows content or not. Or at your end the extensions you use. To block things...
In any event you can go to your ShareThis account and re do the widget and get new code. Then replace it exactly as it is in the plugin. Do not just copy paste it . Make sure the front slashes ( \" ) remain ....
that is all you would need because the selections of style of the button is within the buttons/buttons.js file
which comes directly from ShareThis
you may find more info in the ShareThis forum. Try with another theme ..
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Ok great...thanks again for all of the info. I'm gonna play around with a few different options on different aspects as I was already thinking i might try another theme and take it a different direction anyway. Cheers!
I am having another issue with ShareThis. I have added ShareThis to my community ( and it shows up at the bottom of all my discussions. I want to edit it so that on Tweets the via is from @internmatch not from @ShareThis.
When I click the "ShareThis" button within my Dashboard under "PlugIns" rather than allow me to edit these settings I get a notification that says I do not have permission. Even though I am an admin with full permission and am logged into my ShareThis account as well. Why do I not have permission??
Can you try the improved version of this plugin called VShare ?
you need to make sure you have permissions to manage plugins too admin should be able to do everything.
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