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Very slow hosted on Bluehost

Grateful for any ideas.

Any click action results in a 10 to 30 second wait. If you click the same link again (impatiently ;) ), it instantly shows the page. But that first click waits and waits. Sometimes it times out and gives a 500 error.

This is happening with 2x forums and it happens with and without plugins enabled. (Unfortunately the forum owner insists these are closed forums, so I can't open them to the community for investigation. Really sorry and I know how that will make life difficult - I'm just hoping someone else has already had this).


  • @abbsorb

    I'm with Bluehost, but haven't really experienced what you describe.

    Have you checked in cPanel, CPU Throttling app in Statistics section to see if the sites are being 'throttled'?

    Also check this suggestion re: slow queries:

    You may already have done this, but using Google Page Speed can help to indicate if there are any real bottlenecks.

    I added in the free CloudFlare option, and my site response times definitely improved.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited August 2013

    Do you have massive activity table? You can purge old activity data.

    If for instance you only wan to keep 2 month worth of activity you could run

    DELETE FROM GDN_Activity WHERE ActivityTypeID NOT IN ( SELECT ActivityTypeID FROM GDN_ActivityType WHERE Name = 'WallComment' ) AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,DateInserted,NOW())>2;

    This would delete all activity except wall comments older than a couple of months, (only do this is you are happy to do this)

    You could schedule a cron using crontab

    00 3 * * * mysql -u username -p pass forumdb -e "DELETE FROM GDN_Activity WHERE ActivityTypeID NOT IN ( SELECT ActivityTypeID FROM GDN_ActivityType WHERE Name = 'WallComment' ) AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,DateInserted,NOW())>2" 

    changing username pass and forumdb to match your forum. This is scheduled at 3 am every day. You can add >/dev/null 2>&1 to the end to stop email notifications.

    Honesty shared host are unlikely to be suitable if you have lot of traffic.

    There are many aspect to optimising a site. But you can start by reducing the number of request, such as anything that polls the site frequently, you can either disable or reduce via settings, anything that will likely be expensive an time consuming with you resources get rid of.

    grep is your friend.

  • Thanks guys - lots for me to check out. It's very low volume, just a handful of users on each. I'll check those out and post back

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