CSS Issue - Columns Resize Automatically When Browser Window Shrinks/Enlarges

edited August 2013 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hopefully this will be an easy question to answer - it is puzzling me tremendously:

I have designed my page with Pinterest in mind - separating the main content into columns. I have specified the columns as follows:

#Content {
width: auto;
margin: 0px auto;


-moz-column-gap: 20px;
-webkit-column-gap: 20px;
column-gap: 20px;

-moz-column-width: 294px;
-webkit-column-width: 294px;
column-width: 294px;

#Body {
width: 100%;

When resizing the browser, the number of columns increases and decreases to fit the screen. However, both the left and right columns are flat against the side of the screen - the gaps between the columns remains steady at 20px - but the width of each column increases to fill the remaining gaps.

Is there a way that I can get it like Pinterest - where the gaps between the columns remains fixed and the column width remains fixed - while the margin on the left and right of the content varies?

Using Vanilla V.



  • ✭✭
    edited August 2013

    Sort of figured it out

    Isolating the individual columns within CSS via:

    ul.DataList.Discussions {
    width: 305px;

    keeps the column width constant. However the margins in between are now dynamic while the margins on the outside remain constant. Attempting to fix this second part now.

  • edited August 2013

    pintrest uses an ajax module to keep the pics in columns. So you need to use a div to contain them and give it a class like module, and then style that to keep them all in together. It is very hard to get this sort of thing to work with a liquid theme. You would need to use percentages as values.

    You can use transparent image to keep the space on the left and right . Look at the code in pintrest to see this then apply the same thing to your theme


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