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Some bugs in v2.1b2

I tested vanilla v2.1b2 in local server and found some bugs.

  1. If you add a photo to the category (/vanilla/settings/editcategory/*), then it can not be deleted.
  2. If you add a picture in "Share Image" field (/dashboard/settings/banner) it cannot also be deleted. The "404 Page not Found" error appears.
  3. After uploading the favicon via "Favicon" field, it does not appear above the "Remove Favicon" field. Could be due to resolution since I uploaded images greather size then 16x16px.
  4. Field description "FaviconDescription" is doubling itself in a source, why it is impossible to make a correct language localization, since the translation captured from the 1st field it is /applications/dashboard/views/settings/banner.php (line 119 and 137). Could be broken code logic
  5. Strings "Use asterisks for wildcards, e.g. ‘*@hotmail.com’" and "Optional" are hardcoded (/dashboard/settings/bans), which again does not allow to fully localize application.
  6. Countless strings in /dashboard/embed/comments and /dashboard/embed/forum are also hardcoded and interfere with localization
  7. Forum uses registration method "Approval". In time of a user account approval on a page "Manage Applicants", pressing the "Approve" the following error is displayed: "array_search() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given". Meanwhile if the localization is used, for example the russian one, then "Approve" button doesn't work aka. the page gets reloaded without error. If the line with translation gets deleted from localization file, button "Approve" executes, but again the "array_search()...." error repeats. Links "Approve" executes, but again calls the "array_search()..." error.

Server: PHP 5.3.13, MySQL 5.5.25



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