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why there arent any delete button ?

edited 2006 20 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I can only hide the discussions and comments. but i think delete will be better .


  • It is possible to delete all the hidden threads (and inactive users) in one go using the clean-up add-on. If you're on v1.0 it's not yet updated, so hang on a little.
  • but delete is better I think. because I dont want to delete all hiden items. hide some delete some :)
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    Oops didn't realise the clean-up extenions wasn't working on 1.0 yet... no way to delete my test posts now...?
  • phpMyAdmin was the way I took care of it... hopefully that extension will be updated soon.
  • Check this this post. But Cleanup 1.0 is not in the repository anymore.
  • cleaning up the comments must be easier. Mark you should add the "delete" button to the next version of vanilla. pleaseeee :)
  • A delete button isnt going into vanilla. Purely out of interest, what do you need it for?
  • to delete a discussion you fool minesweeper. :P

    Not all of us has infinate mysql space or can go through phpmyadmin and find the post and remove it. I really dont see why a delete button is that controversial?
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited 2006 24
    There could be an admin mode, in which there was a trash icon (image) next to each message/comment ? (Plugin idea?)
  • Ok, in Vanilla, let alone any message board, simply deleting something post/thread/user has the potential to completely break things. Hiding a post allows the post to remain, but in a hidden form until you decided to flush all hidden posts and threads from your forum. Deleting users would wreak havok upon vanilla as you would be killing random pieces of threads and whole threads that already existed and are tied to that user. When the cleanup extension is updated you'll have a fairly good way to clean out hidden discussions, the reason why you have to hide them first is so you don't stupidly just delete it on accident and go "oh no, how do I get that discussion back". If you want to straight out delete, go through phpmyadmin or another type of database tool/helper and blindly delete the threads you want gone, then go back to vanilla and see if things are still remotely functional after doing so :)
  • I think if you just changed the definition "hide" into "delete" nobody would even notice :)
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    I feel enlightened. It would be very stupid to be able to trash comments.
  • Haha. Very true jazzman. I really fail to see how deleting a single thread is going to help so much with keeping database sizes to a minimum. Assuming all your threads are roughly equal in size (and furthermore that you wouldnt infact want to delete an enormous thread because it's probably quite useful) on this forum deleting a thread would cut the database size by less than 1/2500th. Are you really that desperate for space?
  • hehe would you kick me if i said yes mini?
  • Probably. Or just sell you some hosting :P
  • talking of hosting

    (at this point it goes off topic)

    any chance of some free hosting?
  • Ambitiouslemon provides it i believe. And mark has something up his sleeve but I'm not sure what.
  • If you just want a hosted Vanilla, then I'd wait for Mark's project.
  • no i want it for my domain yet i do not need it anymore so all is well *Get back on topic* Yeah i just renamed my hiddens to deletes :P
  • why users can´t hidde/delete there own posts?
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