I need help to understand and fix redirect
I installed the latest stable version of Vanilla about 3 months ago on my website and got the single sign on to work using the older simpler method. I forget it's name. Then, after several months of incident-free running, I decided to move to a new server. I moved a copy of the PHP scripts over to the new server and copied the database.
Testing on the new server: When I clicked the link to go to the forum it came up NOT FOUND (404).
My PHP statement that gets me to the forum was
So I modified it to read
and it took me to the forum but I wasn't signed in automatically like it did on the old server. Then, when I click the sign-in link on the forum, I get NOT FOUND (404).
When I look at the web address it was attempting to go to, it reads:
I've got two questions. Is there some option I need to set to get this different server to do what the old one was doing, namely go to the right page instead of giving me a NOT FOUND ?
And how does the script in my Vannila Forum (the one that's working) take a redirect of "/vanilla/entry/jsconnect?client_id=123456&Target=discussions" and get to pages that don't actually exist ?
Thanks for your time and anything you can say that helps me understand and migrate.
Hi, so I take it you have v2.0.18.8 installed?
Please disable all plugins to discard their possible interference.
Are you able to connect to the new forum normally ?
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yes I have v installed.
I remember there was a line that says something like "you can always connect to your forum by typing...." I cannot find that line. I will need it to get to the forum in order to disable the plugins. Do you know where I can find it?
Thanks so much for your help.
Please open your config.php
Then find the Enabled Plugins and change True to False . But be careful no to do it to htmlawd or Vanilla. Just the plugins that you added including disconnect.
Please report what happens
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I don't see "disconnect". And I put false everywhere "proxy connect" (my only plugin) was mentioned.
Results are the same.
I noticed something in the docs about .htaccess and something to be added to another file for Apache.
"Apache: Requires .htaccess to be working on your server. Edit your config.php file and set $Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE;"
Is there something I need to do to get .htaccess "working" ?
Thanks again.
Here is a copy of my htaccess file you have one too I added foro
you add your subdirectory name instead . Try that and see what happens, Rewrite URL is for pretty url.But first you need to get it to find the forum..
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I modified the .htaccess file and put it in and it gave me the sign-in screen. I went into my conf file and turned back on the stuff I turned off. I reverted my call to the forum to not have the # in it.
AND everything works just like single sign-on on the old server.
Thanks so much for your help.
You are very Welcome !
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Robert, can you make a page about the Single Sign-on on the Vanilla Wiki please?
There was an error rendering this rich post.
will do.