Does anyone with Vanilla forum on a domain find slow loading ?
I have a self hosted site with a /forum URL on the same domain linked to my Vanilla forum
After long hours on the phone with my host, they say the slow loading is my fault and is down to CPU throttling (?).
I've followed their instructions to cull down unwanted files etc but still find the forum is rather slow at loading and the blog is even worse!
We get quite a few visitors each month but keep this website running in our free time so not really able to spend $$$ on a premium host.
The vanilla forum files are located in folder and has independent SQL database linked to it. Is that normal to be in the wordpress sub folder ? Or is that maybe where the so-called throttling issues start ?
On a side note, I have about 40+ plugins running on vanilla and a few on the wordpress site too.
Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm new to vanilla forums and really loving the design/openess/community but worried I'm going to lose visitors with this sub par performance issues.
Thanks so much!
Don't expect professional support form a cheap host. They are mostly reading from a script, they have no investigative capacity or knowledge, and their interest is in getting you to upgrade, rather then solving your problems.
I once had one guy read his logs backward, and give me the least used and least expensive process.
CPU throttling is an artificial barrier, and on share it is not actually related to actual CPUs.
Remember that if a host advertises "unlimited" this and that, all that mean is you don't know what you are getting an your usage is controlled by "CPU throttling". They are relying on ignorance to get sales, and putting people on the same half baked packages.
Seriously on a cheap host 40 plugin is a bit excessive. I would cut down on plugin that have database interactions, cut down only any pluign that poll the site regularly such as who's online, chats. Disable auto-draft, auto-refresh, and breaking the inbuilt notification so it only load once per static request, etc.
it is also import that you do some housekeeping. Activity is a massive bloat, you can do a cron that delete older records. Most of that data is redundant anyway.
If you have a a lot of user, I would advise you to get off a cheap share package to somethign a bit better where you know what your specs are. Get you users to contribute.
I mean paying $5 vs $30-50 you general get what you pay for, especially if you do your homework. I would ask your users if they have nay technical ability.
It rarely worth it upgrading on a cheap host. Cheap host are in the business of filling their server up with as many sites as possible.
There is no problem with vanilla to be in a subdirectory of wordpress.
There is not a magic wand to optimisation, it is something that take diagnostic ability, and and can be time consuming.
grep is your friend.
Thanks x00 for answering pretty much all my questions and more - much appreciated!
per @x00s mention about activity table bloat.
I just wrote a plugin to purge activity table entries.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Nice one thanks for the heads up peregrine!
you would be the first one to test. if it works for you please provide feedback under the plugin
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.