What means the following php alert/error?

Hi, please could you tell me more about it ;-) even if you don't know how to fix it
on a fresh install 2.1beta2 (default theme), sometime, probably when I go into the dashboard, then I encounter the following log...
14 Nov 2013 - 17:48:42 mysubdomain.mywebsite.net Garden Exception: Operation timed out after 1000 milliseconds with 30114 bytes received in /home/.../vanilla-2.1b2/library/core/functions.general.php on 2303
14 Nov 2013 - 17:48:42 mysubdomain.mywebsite.net Garden #0 /home/.../vanilla-2.1b2/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.utilitycontroller.php(444): ProxyRequest('http://vanillaf...')
14 Nov 2013 - 17:48:42 mysubdomain.mywebsite.net Garden #1 [internal function]: UtilityController->UpdateProxy()
14 Nov 2013 - 17:48:42 mysubdomain.mywebsite.net Garden #2 /home/.../vanilla-2.1b2/library/core/class.dispatcher.php(350): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
14 Nov 2013 - 17:48:42 mysubdomain.mywebsite.net Garden #3 /home/.../vanilla-2.1b2/index.php(46): Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch()
14 Nov 2013 - 17:48:42 mysubdomain.mywebsite.net Garden #4 {main}
I 've checked this files: functions.general.php (2303, it's related to curl, around it) and class.utilitycontroller.php (444, it's writted ProxyRequest UpdateCheckUrl here)
Voila ;-) I could tell you more about my server's php config'.. etc but I don't know what it's needed in fact
PHP 5.3.27, curl 7.24 should be enable on my webhosting
Many thanks in advance
Best Answer
peregrine MVP
I'd like to know if it works for you, it would be most interesting.
if you still get the error.
post it again so it show the timeout on milliseconds and bytes received.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@Pamela it looks like your timing out when trying to access http://vanillaforums.org/addons/update to check for updates
you could Also try increasing timeouts in proxy if it always times out.
it looks like trying to get to update addons page related
http://vanillaforums.org/addons/update and times out.
you could probably put a config in config.php to change behavior. (but you probably don't want to or need to).
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
perhaps one of your plugins is using
$this->FireEvent('BeforeControllerMethod'); to check for updates.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Well, thank you @peregrine but do you know if there is a way to disable this update ?
I 've tried to add it in conf/config.php
$Configuration['Garden']['UpdateCheckUrl'] = 'http://example.net/fake_update/';
Of course, it can't work but this alert (above) doesn't seem recorded for now...
May be, we could use something like the following parameter ;-) isn't ?
$Configuration['Garden']['Update'] = FALSE;
the other thing you could do is remove the
$Configuration['Garden']['UpdateCheckUrl'] = 'http://example.net/fake_update/';
and try
$Configuration['Garden']['SocketTimeout'] = 2;
theoretically it will change timeout from 1 second that you had 1000 milliseconds
to 2000 milliseconds.
you could experiment increasing to 5 or 6. i don't know how hight you want to push it, if the curl set opt actually reacts to the timeout as it should.
maybe thats all you need.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
yep, it seems better than my quick and dirty way
I 'll try it, thanks @peregrine
I'd like to know if it works for you, it would be most interesting.
if you still get the error.
post it again so it show the timeout on milliseconds and bytes received.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Ok, done your suggestion @peregrine, then I 'll keep an eye on my log file and ;-) I 'll give to you feedback soon, next week