Bug: Discussion Options Menu and Bookmark Images not displaying correctly

Using v.2.2.4
I'm having a really hard time troubleshooting this. A couple of things seem to be going wrong...
1) The images for the Options Menu button and the Bookmark/Unbookmark links are not displaying in either the discussions list or the page title row of individual discussions... it's basically the same HTML in both cases so I think it's the same bug showing up in two places
2) When I click on the (not visible) bookmark link it works but I also get an error: DiscussionController->DiscussionID not found. *the not visible options menu works completely fine--only the image doesn't display
So I can't tell if this is a bug that I introduced through my template or if it's something in the Vanilla 2.2.4 or if it's the result of a plugin. My best guess so far is that it's either a problem with my style.css sheet, the discussions/helper_function.php file, or the controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php file. I'm kinda confident it's not a problem with the sprites plugin.
Any troubleshooting thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Ok-I just fixed the image display problem, but the DiscussionController->Discussion ID not found error is unrelated and still happening.
The best way would be to switch back to default theme to see if it was your theme which was causing the errors. If that's not the case, then disable all plugins and check again. If it wasn't the theme and none of the plugins, then you've got to look at the Vanilla code. Otherwise activate your plugins one by one and check your forum after each activation.
I had this same issue and just solved it - for me it was the "Better Notifications" plugin causing the havoc. Same deal: Discussioncontroller->Discussion ID. Disabled and everything back to normal.
@stevejwin - I develop that plugin! You should have raised an issue in the plugin help page. I hadn't tested it past Vanilla I am looking into the problem now as I separately discovered the issue when rolling a forum onto 2.2.5.
@stevejwin - I have updated the plugin with a fix http://vanillaforums.org/addon/betternotifications-plugin-1.0.5