I have no access to file manager, how do I install the plugin?
My forum is on tinypass.vanillaforums.com and I only have access to administrator dashboard.
Is there any documentation how to install external plugin without file manager?
Welcome to the community. This is the vanillaforums.org website for the open-source version of Vanilla.
Here is the link for vanillaforums.com hosting support: http://vanillaforums.com/help
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Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
see the banner to the right. You are on the wrong forum. This is the for the self hosed OS version.
You are a vanilla hosted customer you should ask them. They will just provide tried and tested pluigns for you.
grep is your friend.
Hi Shadowdare & x00
Thanks for clarification,
I was confused because the forum is same name, just redirected to here because search engine.
I will ask them to answer my question then.
Thank you.