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This queries have taken more than 99% of the CPU and it makes the website offline

616854 MYDB localhost MYDB Query 0 Writing to net select * from GDN_AllLikes AllLikes where DiscussionID = '22179'

The above queries have taken more than 99% of the CPU and it makes the website offline. is this a part of "LIKE THIS" plugin. ???


  • So ... disable the plugin and see if it solves the problem?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Or do a file search in your plugins folder for "AllLikes"

  • @Chanux said:
    The above queries have taken more than 99% of the CPU and it makes the website offline. is this a part of "LIKE THIS" plugin. ???

    I reckon it is part of that plugin. The DiscussionID column is not indexed, and this may cause some issues if the table grows too much (although it should be unlikely, unless the forum is very large).

  • @Chanux: Interesting catch, my forum experience downtimes as well. I couldn't see anything in my server logs, i'll have a look at Al Likes as well.

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  • @phreak: have you checked the slow query log?
    You can even define what is "slow". Documentation says that by default 10 seconds are considered as slow, but that could be set to any value you like

  • you could add the index and see if it helps

    ALTER TABLE GDN_AllLikes ADD INDEX ( DiscussionID )

    and drop it later if it doesn't work


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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